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Results 1-10 of 847 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-01Serum Lipid Profi le in Pregnancy and Postpartum Severe PreeclampsiaF I White, Putu; J E Wantania, John; E Mewengkang, Maya
2019-01Relationship of Serum Cortisol Levels with Postpartum Blues on Dystocia LaborHartanto, Andree; J.E.Wantania, John; M.M.Sondakh, Joice
2019-01The Associated of Serum Inhibin A Levels in Severe PreeclampsiaLumentut, Anastasia; J Kaeng, Junneke; Suparman, Eddy
2019-01Relationship of the Role of Counselor, Knowledge, Trust, Values, and Social Relationship in Contraception Acceptors’ Decision of Using Intrauterine Device (IUD)P Sulbahri 1, Robby; Azhari 2; Basir 3, Firmansyah; Theodorus 4
2019-01The Association of Acceptance Family Planning Acceptor to Contraceptive Tools Interest Usage in the Uterine (IUD)Rajuddin; Fauzan
2019-01Sacrospinosus Fixation Efectivity in Pelvic Organ Prolapse PatientAdriansyah, Yulius; Fauzi, Amir; Basir, Firmansyah; Theodorus, Theodorus
2019-01Faktor-Faktor Risiko Stres Inkontinensia Urin setelah Persalinan Pervaginam dan PerabdominamWaqiah, Nur; Lotisna, David; Abdullah, Nusratuddin
2019-01The Proportion of Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Stage IIA 1and IIA2 Cervical Cancer who were Treated for Radical Hysterectomy and Pelvic LymphadenectomyAndrijono, Andrijono; Ginealdy, Wahyu
2019-01Comparison of Postpartum Urinary Retention Healing between Groups with Methods of Residual Urine Measurement Four Hours versus Six Hours Post-DeliveryMoegni, Fernandi; Hani, Ummu
2019-03The Effect Of Consuming Pineapple Juice (Ananas Comusus [L] Mer) TowardsThe Duration Of The Stage I Latent PhaseIrianti, Susi; Sugih Hartiningsih, Siti