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Vol 58 No 1 (2025)
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025-02Alternations of the gut microbiota and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio after biologic treatment in inflammatory bowel diseaseTsai, Yu-Chieh; Tai, Wei-Chen; Liang, Chih-Ming; Wu, Cheng-Kun; Tsai, Ming-Chao; Hu, Wan-Hsiang
2025-02Cigarette smoke compromises macrophage innate sensing in response to pneumococcal infectionLiao, Wei-Chih; Chou, Chia-Huei; Ho, Mao-Wang; Chen, Jo-Tsen; Chou, Shu-Ling; Huang, Yu-Tsen
2024-08Validation of a modified enrichment broth for efficient screening of group B Streptococcus in pregnant womenTanno, Daiki; Saito, Kyoichi; Tomii, Yasuaki; Nakatsuka, Yukari; Uechi, Kohei; Ohashi, Kazutaka
2025-02Identification of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii from Raman spectra by Artificial Intelligent Raman Detection and Identification System (AIRDIS) with machine learningLin, Yu-Tzu; Lin, Hsiu-Hsien; Chen, Chih-Hao; Tseng, Kun-Hao; Hsu, Pang-Chien; Wu, Ya-Lun
2025-02Identifying the function of novel cross-species microRNAs from the excretory-secretory products of Angiostrongylus cantonensis fifth-stage larvaeChen, Kuang-Yao; Lin, Yi-Hsuan; Cheng, Chien-Ju; Huang, Yi-Hao; Lin, Sheng-Yu; Chen, Chyi-Liang
2025-02Development of the novel gene chip and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) methods for rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in broth cultureWang, Wen-Hung; Lin, Chun-Yu; Jain, Shu-Huei; Lu, Po-Liang; Chen, Yen-Hsu
2025-02High hemolytic activity in Staphylococcus aureus t1081/ST45 due to increased hla protein production and potential RNAIII-independent regulationLin, Yu-Tzu; Bui, Ngoc-Niem; Cheng, Yu-Syuan; Lin, Cheng-Wen; Lee, Chun-Li; Lee, Tai-Fen; Hsueh, Po-Ren
2025-02Forty years of HIV infection and AIDS in Taiwan: Reflection on the past and looking toward the futureHuang, Sung-Hsi; Huang, Hsun-Yin; Ku, Stephane Wen-Wei; Kuo, Po-Hsien; Lin, Kuan-Yin; Chen, Guan-Jhou
2025-02Cryptococcosis in wait-listed liver transplant candidates: Prevalence, manifestations, and risk factorsTsai, Wan-Ting; Cheng, Aristine; Chuang, Yu-Chung; Ho, Cheng-Maw; Wu, Yao-Ming; Ho, Ming-Chih