VOL 33 NO 4 (2024) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Role of regulatory T cells and T helper 17 cells in the pathogenesis of hypertension: a reviewSakti Muliawan, Hary; Dwi Putra, Swastya; Zulkifli Amin, Hilman; Widyantoro, Bambang
2024Intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula presenting like longitudinally extensive transverse myelitisYuliatri, Nia; Ayke Widjaya, Ingrid; Aditiara Wibawa, Gibran; Harlyjoy, Alphadenti; Satyanegara, Satyanegara
2024Multimodal approach in the diagnosis and management of Eales disease: a case reportAndayani Adriono, Gitalisa; Rasyid Mahfudz, Sausan; Fauzi Triyoga, Ichsan
2024Stand-alone middle meningeal artery embolization in chronic subdural hematoma patient presenting cognitive decline: a case reportGalindra, Yusmahenry; Rilianto, Beny; Gusanto Kurniawan, Ricky; Tri Prasetyo, Bambang
2024Developing an online reproductive health module on sexually transmitted infections for Indonesian adolescents: a qualitative mixed methods studyNilasari, Hanny; Indriatmi, Wresti; Gunardi, Hartono
2024Natural remedies in burn care: a systematic review and network meta-analysisAzri Ismail, Muhammad; Tanjaya, Krisanto; Sekar Wruhastanti, Gisella; Siswanto, Yudi
2024Association between vaspin rs2236242 gene polymorphism and atherosclerosis in ischemic stroke patients with diabetes mellitus in the Indonesian populationDanuaji, Rivan; Suroto, Suroto; Purwanto, Bambang
2024Prevalence of calcaneal spur among foot and ankle patients at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, GhanaFiagbedzi, Emmanuel; Ofori, Nana; Gameli Amlalo, Jeffrey; Gameli Amlalo, Jeffrey
2024Genotypic pattern of fluoroquinolone resistance among extended-spectrum betalactamase- producing Escherichia coliFebrianti, Tati; Puspandari, Nelly; Febriyana, Dwi; Weaver, Tom; Karuniawati, Anis
2024Radiological and histological assessment of a novel interlocking three-dimensional miniplate for mandibular angle fractures: an animal studyKreshanti, Prasetyanugraheni; Noviana, Deni; Pontjo Priosoeryanto, Bambang; Kekalih, Aria; Rahyussalim, Rahyussalim; Supriadi, Sugeng; Juniaty Hatibie, Mendy; Luthfia Sukasah, Chaula
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10