VOL 11 NO 6 (2020) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020AnimalModelsofFibrosisinNonalcoholic Steatohepatitis:DoTheyReflectHumanDiseaseHIpsen, David; Lykkesfeldt, Jens
2020PotentialofGlucagon-LikePeptide1asaRegulator ofImpairedCholesterolMetabolismintheBrainKim, Young-Kook; Song, Juhyun
2020EcologicalSensingThroughTasteand ChemosensationMediatesInflammation: ABiologicalAnthropologicalApproachGiuliani, Cristina; Franceschi, Claudio
2020DoubleBurdenofMalnutritionandNutrition TransitioninAsia:ACaseStudyof4Selected CountrieswithDifferentSocioeconomic DevelopmentGao, Liwang; Bhurtya, Ashok
2020FruitandVegetablePurchasesandConsumption amongWICParticipantsafterthe2009WICFood PackageRevision:ASystematicReviewZhang, Qi; Mohammed A, Alsuliman; Mia Wright
2020TheImpactofNutrition-Specificand Nutrition-SensitiveInterventionsonHemoglobin ConcentrationsandAnemia:AMeta-reviewof SystematicReviewsMoorthy, Denish; Merrill, Rebecca; Namaste, Sorrel
2020EffectivenessandFeasibilityofTaxingSaltand FoodsHighinSodium:ASystematicReviewofthe EvidenceDodd, Rebecca; AlvinSantos, Joseph
2020EvaluatingtheEffectsofDietaryInterventionson DiseaseProgressionandSymptomsofAdultswith MultipleSclerosis:AnUmbrellaReviewTredinnick, AbbeyR; Probst, Yasmine C
2020To Keto or Not to Keto? A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Assessing the Effects of Ketogenic Therapy on Alzheimer DiseaseGrammatikopoulou, Maria G; Goulis, Dimitrios G
2020Vegetable and Fruit Consumption and Prognosis Among Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort StudiesHurtado-Barroso, Sara; Trius-Soler, Marta
2020Resveratrol: Evidence for Its Nephroprotective Effect in Diabetic NephropathyGowd, Vemana; Kang, Qingzheng
2020Mediterranean Diet and Telomere Length: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisCanudas, Silvia; Becerra-Tomás, Nerea
2020The Influence of Different Foods and Food Ingredients on Acute Postprandial Triglyceride Response: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled TrialsLee, Delia Pei Shan; Low, Jasmine Hui Min; Chen, Jacklyn Ruilin
2020Dietary Intake of Homocysteine Metabolism-Related B-Vitamins and the Risk of Stroke: A Dose-ResponseMeta-Analysis of Prospective StudiesChen, Liyun; Li, Qianwen; Fang, Xuexian
2020Intake of ω-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid-Rich Vegetable Oils and Risk of Lifestyle DiseasesYamashima, Tetsumori; Ota, Tsuguhito
2020Tea Consumption and Risk of Cancer: An Umbrella Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational StudiesKim, Tai Lim; Jeong, Gwang Hun
2020Perspective: Objective Biomarkers for Total Added Sugar Intake – AreWe on aWild Goose Chase?Louie, Jimmy Chun Yu
2020Perspective: Chaos in a Bottle—A Critical Evaluation of Beverage Categorization in Nutrition ResearchMerkel, Patrick E; Ditto, Emma K; Robien, Kim
2020Perspective: The “Virtual Digital Twins”Concept in Precision NutritionGkouskou, Kalliop; Vlastos, Ioannis; Karkalousos, Petros
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19