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Results 801-810 of 9137 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-04High Random Blood Glucose Level before Surgery as a Risk Factor for Recurrent Event in Epithelial Ovarian CarcinomaHapsari, Anggiyasti V.; Iskandar, Teuku M.
2022-06Charité Caesarean Birth Improves Birth Experience in Planned and Unplanned Caesarean Sections While Maintaining Maternal and Neonatal Safety: A Prospective Cohort StudyRadtke, Laura; Dukatz, Ricarda
2022-05Monochorionic-Diamniotic Twin Pregnancy Complicated by Spontaneous Septostomy and Cord Entanglement: A Systematic Review, Evaluation of Complication Rates and Presentation of an Additional CaseBoccherini, Chiara; ’Ambrosio, Valentina D
2022-04The Efficacy of Chemotherapy in Advanced-Stage Cervical Cancer on Vitamin A SerumNurwany, Raissa; Sanif, Rizal; Noviliani, Amirah; Theodorus, Theodorus
2022-04Treatment Approach for a Rare Case of Cervical Cancer in PregnancyPutri, Yuannita I.; Wiranegara, Gumilang
2022-05Obstructive uropathy associated with a Retzius space hematoma following postpartum pulmonary embolismSong, Soo Youn; Park, Dan Bit
2022-05Serum Microelements, Amino Acids and Acyl Carnitines Levels in Pregnancies Complicated with Preeclampsia: A Prospective StudyZhang, Min; Wu, Hanglin
2022-06Sexual Function in Breast Cancer Patients: A Review of the LiteratureCastillo, Helena; Mension, Eduard
2022-06Subsequent left distal tubal pregnancy following laparoscopic tubal sterilization: a case reportLee, Chung-Yuan; Lin, Ching-Min
2022-06Role of Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor on Pathophysiology of Uterine AdenomyosisKwack, Jae Young; Jeong, In-ho