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Results 4721-4730 of 6253 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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VOL 13 NO 5 2022
VOL 13 NO 6 2022
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022HealthEffectsofIncreasingProteinIntakeAbove theCurrentPopulationReferenceIntakeinOlder Adults:ASystematicReviewoftheHealthCouncil oftheNetherlandsHengeveld, Linda M; Goede, Janette de
2022Effectof L-ArginineSupplementationonBlood PressureinAdults:ASystematicReviewand Dose–ResponseMeta-analysisofRandomized ClinicalTrialsShiraseb, Farideh; Asbaghi, Omid; Bagheri, Reza
2022NutritionalSupplementsandComplementary TherapiesinPolycysticOvarySyndromeAlesi, Simon; Ee, Carolyn; Moran, Lisa J; Rao, Vibhuti; Mousa, Aya
2022Perspective: on Precision Nutrition Research in Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases and Sleep DisordersA Pratt, Charlotte; GM Brown, Alison; Dixit, Shilpy; Farmer, Nicole; Natarajan, Aruna; Boyington, Josephine; Shi, Scarlet; Lu, Qing; Cotton, Paul
2022Perspective: Early-Life Nutrition Research Supported by the US National Institutes of Health from 2018 to 2020J Landry, Matthew; D Ruiz, Lyndsey; Gibbs, Kimberlea; D Radtke, Marcela; Lerman, Jennifer; J Vargas, Ashley
2022TheEffectsofBlueberryPhytochemicalsonCell ModelsofInflammationandOxidativeStressFelgus-Lavefve, Laura; Howard, Luke; Adams, Sean H; Baum, Jamie I
2020ValuingtheDiversityofResearchMethodsto AdvanceNutritionScienceMattes, Richard D; Rowe, Sylvia B; Ohlhorst, Sarah D
2022Perspective: School Meal Programs Require Higher Vitamin D Fortification Levels in Milk Products and Plant-Based Alternatives—Evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES 2001–2018)S Calvo, Mona; J Whiting, Susan