VOL 15 NO 1 2023 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Study of Triterpene Saponin Compounds from Centella asitica as Renin Inhibitor with Pharmacophore Modeling, Molecular Docking and In-vitro EvaluationAstiani, Rangki; Sadikin, Mohamad; Rinayanti, Aprilita
2023Uterocervical Angle Anterior, Posterior, and Cervical Length Ultrasound as a Predictors for Successful Delay in Labor of Pregnant Women with Threatened Preterm Birth (PTB)Akyuni, Qurrata; Sulistiyono, Agus; Tri Joewono, Hermanto; Djuari, Lilik
2023Correlation of TB LAM Ag (Tuberculosis Lipoarabinomannan Antigen) Results from Urine with Adenosine Deaminase Levels from Pleural Fluid Patients with Pulmonary TB Accompanied by Pleural EffusionPrabandari Prasetyaningrum, Sari; Bakhtiar, Arief; Puspitasari, Yessy
2023The effect of Sinensetin and Imperatorin on A-549 lung cancer cell viability in vitroAnita Indriyanti, Raden; Fuji Ariyanto, Eko; Aminah Usman, Hermin
2023Evaluation of Antidiarrheal, Antispasmodic, and Antisecretory Activities of Extract and Fractions of Castanopsis costata Leaves in Animal ModelsYusuf Alkandahri, Maulana; Ghinan Sholih, Mally; Nurul Fadilah, Nitya
2023Phytotherapy for Sexually Transmitted Infections In Thaba 'Nchu, Free State Province, South AfricaNgobeni, Brian; Tichaidza Manduna, Idah; Joyce Malebo, Ntsoaki; Sitheni Mashele, Samson
2023The Role of Indian Magical Herb Selaginella bryopteris L. (Selaginaceae) in Pharmacotherapeutic Perspective: An OverviewGautam, Arti; Chand Pal, Lal; V Rao, Ch.; Kumar, Vikas
2023Effect of Combination of Soybean and Phaleria macrocarpa Ethanol Extract on IL6, TNFα, VEGF and Fibroblasts in Mice Exposed to UVBT, Sumarawati; Chodidjah, Chodidjah; Fatmawati, Dina
2023The Effect of Channa striata Extract on Serum Albumin and High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients: A Randomized Controlled TrialPutranto, Wachid; Hestiningrum, Septina; Ismi Mustika Febriani, Nur
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29