VOL 14 NO 5 2022 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Survey on Aromatherapy Among Healthcare Professionals in MoroccoAlaoui Belghiti, Asmae; Yafout, Mohamed; Bennis, Soukaina; Ait Haj Said, Amal
2022Effect of Vitamin C and E Supplementation and Combination of Both in Egg Yolk Tris Diluter on the Quality of Sapera Goat Spermatozoa in the 5 °C Cooling ProcessLogam Saputro, Amung; Ba’sin Syadid, Uliy; Rimayanti, Rimayanti
2022Inhibitory Effect of Carallia Brachiata Extract Through Regulation of Adipogenesis Pathways in 3T3-L1 CellsChularojmontri, Linda; Nanna, Urarat; Kaewamatawong, Rawiwun
2022Phytochemical Test and Acute Safety Evaluation of Oral Purple Leaves (Graptophyllum Pictum L. Griff) Extract in RatsMakkiyah, Feda; Puji Rahmi, Eldiza; Setyaningsih, Yuni
2022Antioxidants, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content and Toxicity Assay of Ampelas (Tetracera macrophylla Wall.Ex Hook.F.& Thoms) From Kalimantan-IndonesiaLadeska, Vera; Elya, Berna; Hanafi, Muhammad; Kusmardi, Kusmardi
2022Study of Sericin Sequences from Bombyx mori as Antiaging through ROS with Molecular Simulation and DPPH EvaluationAgustina, Fitria; Fadilah, Fadilah; Pangkahila, Wimpie
2022Analysis Protein APOB and TroponinT in Obese Mice (Mus musculus) Induced by Static Magnetic Field as a Marker of Coronary Heart DiseaseSari, Puji; Yunaini, Luluk; Anita Suryandari, Dwi
2022Subacute Toxicity Test of Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides Lam. Extract on Histopathological Images of Liver and Kidney of White Male MiceAfriwardi, Afriwardi; Abdillah, Rahmad; Husni, Elidahanum
2022Pharmacognostic Profile of Simplicia and Ethanolic Leaves Extract from Indonesian Piper betle var. nigraHerman, Herman; Prasetya, Fajar; Salam, Supriatno
2022Phytochemical and Biological Studies of Helichrysum acutatum DCOyetunde-Joshua, Funsho; Moodley, Roshila; Cheniah, Hafizah
2022Antiurolithiatic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Ziziphus lotus on Ethylene Glycol-Induced Lithiasis in RatsChakit, Miloud; Boussekkour, Rezklah; El Hessni, Aboubaker
2022Antiurolithiatic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Ziziphus lotus on Ethylene Glycol-Induced Lithiasis in RatsChakit, Miloud; Boussekkour, Rezklah; El Hessni, Aboubaker
2022The phytochemical and pharmacological activity of extract Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata L.) leaves: A ReviewHarfiani, Erna; Nugraha, Yudhi; Ayu Aprilia, Citra
2022In Silico Screening of Bioactive Compounds from Garcinia mangostana L. Against SARS-CoV-2 via Tetra InhibitorsSofiatul Aini, Nur; Dhea Kharisma, Viol; Hermawan Widyananda, Muhammad
2022In Silico Study of Entry Inhibitor from Moringa oleifera Bioactive Compounds against SARS-CoV-2 InfectionMawaddani, Nala; Sutiyanti, Ekris; Hermawan Widyananda, Muhammad
2022The Potential Effect of Silymarin Against Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Male Albino RatsAhmed Abed, Noor; Mohammed Khalaf, Musab; Khalid Jamaludeen Alnori, Mohammed
2022Artificial Sweeteners Perturbed Liver Enzymes in Rat ModelN Dawood, Muthear
2022Pathophysiological Electrolyte Changes Connoted via Antagonism of Serotonin Receptor in Experimental AnimalsD Mahmood, Mohammed; A. Younes, Mohammed; Saarti, Mohammed
2022Ethnobotanical Study of Plants Used for the Treatment of Urolithiasis in MoroccoChakit, Miloud; El Hessni, Aboubaker; Mesfioui, Abdelhalim
2022Efficacy and Tolerability of Intravenous Paracetamol Compared to Oral Paracetamol for the Treatment of Childhood FeverIndra Gunawan, Prastiya; Saharso, Darto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29