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Title: ValuingtheDiversityofResearchMethodsto AdvanceNutritionScience
Authors: Mattes, Richard D
Rowe, Sylvia B
Ohlhorst, Sarah D
Keywords: evidencebase
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The ASN Board of Directors appointed the Nutrition Research Task Force to develop a report on scientific methods used in nutrition science to advance discovery, interpretation, and application of knowledge in the field. The genesis of this report was growing concern about the tone of discourse among nutrition professionals and the implications of acrimony on the productive study and translation of nutrition science. Too often, honest differences of opinion are cast as conflicts instead of areas of needed collaboration. Recognition of the value (and limitations) of contributionsfromwell-executednutritionsciencederivedfromthevariousapproachesusedinthediscipline,aswellasappreciationofhowtheir layering will yield the strongest evidence base, will provide a basis for greater productivity and impact. Greater collaborative efforts within the field of nutrition science will require an understanding that each method or approach has a place and function that should be valued and used together to create the nutrition evidence base. Precision nutrition was identified as an important emerging nutrition topic by the preponderance of task force members, and this theme was adopted for the report because it lent itself to integration of many approaches in nutrition science. Althoughtheprimaryaudienceforthisreportisnutritionresearchersandothernutritionprofessionals,asecondaryaimistodevelopadocument useful for the various audiences that translate nutrition research, including journalists, clinicians, and policymakers. The intent is to promote accurate,transparent,verifiableevidence-basedcommunicationaboutnutritionscience.Thiswillfacilitatereasonedinterpretationandapplication of emerging findings and, thereby, improve understanding and trust in nutrition science and appropriate characterization, development, and adoptionofrecommendations
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5183
Appears in Collections:VOL 13 NO 4 2022

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