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Title: Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn.) Leaf Powder as the Natural Repellent Against Meat Fly (Genus Sarcopaga)
Authors: Wahyuni, Denai
Sari, Wulan
Keywords: Belimbing Wuluh Leaf Powder
Meat Fly
Natural Repellent
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Efforts are often made to control meat flies with chemical insecticides, but they harm humans, the environment, and other organisms. We use belimbing wuluh leaf as a natural repellent in controlling meat flies. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of belimbing wuluh leaf powder as a natural repellent and the number of effective doses against meat fly. Using 15 samples at each dose of 1 gr, 2 gr, 3 gr, 4 gr, 5 gr, negative control without powder, positive control with Top Killer powder, performed four repetitions every 10 minutes of observation for 60 minutes. Kolmograv-Smirnov normality test, P-value 0.200> 0.05 means that the data for each group is normally distributed. Variant test, P-value 0.066> 0.05, so there was a group that had homogeneous data variants, an ANOVA test resulted in a Sign value of 0.001. There is an effect of the belimbing wuluh leaf powder dose as the repellent of meat flies. The 5-gram dose is the most effective as a natural repellent of meat flies. (Genus Sarcopaga)
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3753
ISSN: 2355-3596
Appears in Collections:VOL 17 NO 2 2021

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