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Title: Factor Analysis of Iranian Version of Nursing Students’ Incivility Questionnaire
Other Titles: IJNMR
Authors: Abedini, Zahra
Saeedi, Maryam
Khoramirad, Ashraf
Nia, Hamid Sharif
Keywords: Incivility
factor analysis
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
Citation: ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 5 ¦ September-October 2021
Abstract: Uncivil student behavior is one of the challenging issues in the nursing schools that disrupts the learning process and teacher‑student interactions. Planning to control student’s incivility requires knowing the condition using valid tools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the incivility occurrence’s questionnaire among Iranian students. Materials and Methods: This methodological study was conducted on 358 nursing students and 122 nursing faculty members. The samples were selected from the nursing students of second to fourth year from September to October 2019. McDonald’s omega, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and composite reliability were calculated. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to investigate the construct validity of tool. Results: Content validity index was 0.94 for the whole instrument. In factor analysis, three factors of irresponsible, violent, and unsound behaviors were identified. These factors explained more than 50.52% of the variance. Model fit indices Parsimonious Normed Fit Index) = 0.74, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation = 0.05, Parsimonious Comparative Fit Index = 0.78, Goodness‑of‑Fit Index = 0.92, Comparative Fit Index ( CFI) = 0.92, Adjusted Goodness‑of‑Fit Index) = 0.89, CIMN=2.58) indicated the proportion of factors. Internal consistency was 0.77 to 0.89. Conclusions: This questionnaire is a three‑dimensional tool with appropriate validity and reliability that can be used to evaluate occurrence rate of nursing student incivility in Iran.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1772
Appears in Collections:1. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research

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