Browsing by Author Mallongi, Anwar

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Aedes Sp. Mosquito Resistance and the Effectiveness of Biolarvicides on Dengue Vector MortalityDwicahya, Bambang; Arsin, A. Arsunan; Ishak, Hasanuddin; Hamid, Firdaus; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Analysis of Determinants of Midwife Performance in Antenatal Care Services in Allang Care Health Centers Central Maluku DistrictHattu, Josina; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Razak, Amran; Palutturi, Sukri; Mallongi, Anwar; S Russeng, Syamsiar
2023Analysis of Factors Affecting the Behavior of Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Work Area of Werwaru Puskesmas Moa Lakor DistrictAkse, Magdalena; Indar, Indar; Razak, Amran; Balqis, Balqis; Wahiduddin, Wahiduddin; Manyullei, Syamsuar; Mallongi, Anwar
2024Analysis of Implementation of the Prolanis-Diabetes Mellitus Chronic Disease Management Program in Majene RegencyFatiyah Mubarak, Khadijatul; Razak, Amran; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Balqis, Balqis; Kardi, Muhammad; Amqam, Hasnawati; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Analysis of Knowledge and Skills of Cadres in Early Detection of Stunting Toddler Development in Soppeng Regency, IndonesiaHasriani, Hasriani; Ummu Salmah, Andi; Masni, Masni; Indarty Moedjiono, Apik; Hidayanty, Healthy; Wahiduddin, Wahiduddin; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Analysis of Performance Determinants of Health Laboratory Officers in Health Laboratory Centers and Medical Device Calibration in Maluku ProvinceDe Fretes, Herlyn; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Razak, Amran; Muhammad Saleh, Lalu; Salmah, Ummu; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Analysis of the Influence of Internal and External Factors on Empowered Pregnant Women Through the Behavior of Pregnant Women in Early Detection of Pregnancy ComplicationsPetralina, Bintang; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Wahiduddin, Wahiduddin; Irwandy, Irwandy; Mallongi, Anwar; Salmah, Ummu; Suriah, Suriah; Martha, Evi
2024Analysis of the Inpatient Medical Records Management System at Sandi Karsa Hospital MakassarGanjar Wati, Try; Razak, Amran; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Yusran Amir, Muhammad; Yunus, Rahmatiah; Wahyu, Atjo; Mallongi, Anwar
2024Cadre Assistance in Improving the Nutritional Status of Two Years Baby: A Literature ReviewRamli, Ramli; Syafar, Muhammad; Hadju, Veni; Syam, Aminuddin; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Child Survival Strategies on the Growth and Development of Infants Aged 0-6 Months in Makassar City (A Study on Employed and Unemployed Mothers)Seweng, Arifin; Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti; Andayani, Ella; Mallongi, Anwar
2024-01Community-based Anti-Drug Efforts: Leveraging Local Wisdom for PreventionAlamsyah, T; Muliadi, Teuku; Khairunnas; Anwar, Sufyan; Marniati; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Comparison of Hb Levels Given Iron Supplements with and Without Vitamin B12 to Anemia Female Industrial Workers in Surakarta Residency AreaPratiwi, Niken; Hutagaol, Rutmauli; Marwansyah, Marwansyah; Pahruddin, Muhammad; Fauziah, Erna; Parellang, Parellang; Mallongi, Anwar; Palutturi, Sukri
2024Cookies Formula for Oat (Avena sativa L.) and Plainnates (Musa Paradisiaca L.) as Alternative Food IngredientsDiningsih, Ayus; Linda Futri Harahap, Cory; Sariani Hasibuan, Elmi; Dalimunthe, Rudi; Ritonga, Nefonavratilova; Ahmad, Haslinah; J. Hadi, Anto; Arlanda Sani, Hapiz; Mallongi, Anwar
2024-03Determinants of Adverse Birth Outcomes in Ambon, Indonesia: A Case-Control StudyPaunno, Magdalena; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Masni; Ahmad, Mardiana; Que, Bertha Jean; Thaha, Ridwan; Nasir, Sudirman; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Extract of Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) Leaves Inhibits the Expression of PEPCK and G6Pase in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic RatsDwi Andrestian, Meilla; Damanik, Rizal; Anwar, Faisal; Dewi Yuliana, Nancy; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Diarrhea in Infants Aged 7-12 Months in Puskesmas Alak Kupang CityBuifena, Sonyalin; Purnawan, Sigit; Magdalena Dwi Wahyuni, Maria; Marni, Marni; Mallongi, Anwar
2024-03Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Diarrhea in Infants Aged 7-14 Months in Puskesmas Alak Kupang CityTira, Deviarbi Sakke; Buifena, Sonyalin; Purnawan, Sigit; Wahyuni, Maria Magdalena Dwi; Marni, Marni; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Health Behavior and Social Support in Postpartum Mothers Treatment in Ba'ukup Tradition in MalukuAsrina, Andi; Payapo, Rizal; Concerned Idris, Fairus; Palutturi, Sukri; Mallongi, Anwar
2024-09Health Risk Assessment and Monte Carlo Simulation of Microorganism Aerosol Pollution at the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital. MakassarRochfika; Mallongi, Anwar; Syam, Aminuddin; Birawida, Agus Bintara; Arif, Syafri Kamsul; Sidin, A. Indahwaty; Massi, Muh. Nasrum
2024Identification of Effort and Issues in the Prevention of Diabetic Foot in the Community: A Qualitative StudyTini, Tini; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Masni, Masni; Mallongi, Anwar