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Vol 16 No 1 (2022)
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-12Analisis tingkat kepuasan pasien lanjut usia di poliklinik rumah sakit Pertamina Bintang Amin LampungOktera, Dian Purnama; Aryawati, Wayan; Aryastuti, Nurul
2021-12Hubungan motivasi ekstrinsik dan intrinsik perawat terhadap pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatanKusumantoro, Nugroho Cahyo; Kusumaningsih, Dewi; Gunawan, Muhammad Ricko
2021-12Pengaruh teknik massage effleurage terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensiAlvaredo, M. Kelvin; Yulendasari, Rika; Djamaludin, Djunizar
2023-02-23Perspective: Is the Response of Human Energy Expenditure to Increased Physical Activity Additive or Constrained?Gonzalez, Javier T.; Batterham, Alan M.; Atkinson, Greg; Thompson, Dylan
2023-03-17Perspective: Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: The Importance of Food Matrix in Diet Quality and Human Health. Miller, Gregory D; Ragalie-Carr, Jean; -Gonzalez, Moises Torres
2023-03-20Commonalities among Dietary Recommendations from 2010 to 2021 Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Meta-Epidemiological Study from the American College of Lifestyle MedicineCara, Kelly C.; Goldman, David M.; Kollman, Brooke K.; Amato, Stas S.; Tull, Martin D.; Karlsen, Micaela C.
2023-02-01Effect of Dietary Intervention, with or without Cointerventions, on Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisHall, Renate L.; George, Elena S.; Tierney, Audrey C.; Reddy, Anjana J.
2022-04Pengetahuan dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap perilaku kepatuhan pencegahan Covid-19Sutrisna, Eka; Mulyadi, Mulyadi
2022-04Persepsi pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan dalam penerapan patient safetyDalfian, Dalfian; Muhani, Nova; Afiah, Nurul; Azizah, Nur; Rivaldi, M. Ilham; Pangestu, Dandy Adji; Dini, Listya