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Results 4591-4600 of 6253 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020FishConsumptionandtheRiskofChronicDisease: AnUmbrellaReviewofMeta-Analysesof ProspectiveCohortStudiesJayedi1, Ahmad; Shab-Bidar, Sakineh
2020DietaryApproachestoStopHypertension(DASH) DietandBloodPressureReductioninAdultswith andwithoutHypertension:ASystematicReview andMeta-AnalysisofRandomizedControlledTrialsFilippou, Christina D
2021Ethnic Differences in Iron StatusKang, Wanhui; Barad, Alexa; Clark, Andrew G; Wang, Yiqin; Lin, Xu; Gu, Zhenglong; O’Brien, Kimberly O
2021Validity of Body-Composition Methods across Racial and Ethnic PopulationsBlue, Malia NM; Tinsley, Grant M; Ryan, Eric D; Smith-Ryan, Abbie E
2021Nutritional Status Impacts Epigenetic Regulation in Early Embryo Development: A Scoping ReviewCai, Shuang; Quan, Shuang; Yang, Guangxin; Chen, Meixia; Ye, Qianhong; Wang, Gang; Yu, Haitao; Wang, Yuming; Qiao, Shiyan; Zeng, Xiangfang
2021Protein Intake from Birth to 2 Years and Obesity Outcomes in Later Childhood and Adolescence: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort StudiesStokes, Alexandra; Campbell, Karen J; Yu, Hong-Jie; Szymlek-Gay, Ewa A; Abbott, Gavin; He, Qi-Qiang; Zheng, Miaobing
2021Pro-biomics: Omics Technologies To Unravel the Role of Probiotics in Health and DiseaseKiousi, Despoina Eugenia; Rathosi, Marina; Tsifintaris, Margaritis; Chondrou, Pelagia; Galanis, Alex
2023The Effect of Regular Consumption of Reformulated Breads on Glycemic Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical TrialsSchadow, Alena M.; Revheim, Ingrid; Spielau, Ulrike; Dierkes, Jutta; Schwingshackl, Lukas; Frank, Jan; Hodgson, Jonathan M.; Moreira-Rosario, Andre; Seal, Chris J.; Buyken, Anette E.; Rosendahl-Riise, Hanne
2023Long-Term Consumption of 10 Food Groups and Cardiovascular Mortality: A Systematic Review and Dose Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort StudiesBhandari, Buna; Liu, Zhixin; Lin, Sophia; Macniven, Rona; Akombi-Inyang, Blessing; Hall, John; Feng, Xiaoqi; Schutte, Aletta E.; Xu, Xiaoyue
2023Perspective: Organic food consumption during pregnancy and the potential effects on maternal and offspring healthLiu, Buyun; Curl, Cynthia L.; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Torjusen, Hanne; Sun, Yangbo; Yang Du; Lehmler, Hans-Joachim; Balentine, Annica; Snetselaar, Linda G.; Bao, Wei