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Results 1831-1840 of 6417 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Self-Management Counseling and Physical Health Status among Patients with Pulmonary TB in Bogor, IndonesiaJauhar, Muhamad; Yuni Nursasi, Astuti; Wiarsih, Wiwin
2019-04Food and Activities Taboos among Sundanese Pregnant WomenTrisyani Koeryaman, Mira; Hee Kyung, Kim; Widiasih, Restuning
2019-08Psychometric Evaluation of Instruments Measuring The Older Adult’s Functional Status in IndonesianFebriana, Dara; Juanita, Juanita; Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah
2019-04The Mental Burden of Parents of Children with ThalassemiaSeptyana, Gita; Mardhiyah, Ai; Widianti, Efri
2019-08The Effect of Logotherapy on Diabetes Mellitus Client’s Meaning of LifYusuf, Ah; Tristiana, Rr. Dian; Anitasari, Leni; Suarilah, Ira
2018Behavior, Awareness, and Sensitivity of Healthcare Providers in a Multicultural EnvironmentSalvador Abalos-Fabia, Russel; Mohamed E. Khadrawi, Shadia; O. Ellasus, Rosanta
2019-08Improving Student Nurses’ Clinical-Reasoning Skills: Implementation of a Contextualised, Guided Learning ExperienceYauri, Indriani; Robyn, Nash; Ramsbotham, Joanne
2019-08The Effect of Combination of Buteyko Breathing Technique and Walking Exercise on Forced Peak Expiratory Flow In Adult Asthmatic PatientsUdayani, Wiwik; Amin, Muhammad; Makhfudli, Makhfudli
2019-08Relationship between Family Anxiety, Family Support and Quality of Life of Attention Deficit Hiperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ChildrenPrima Mulya, Adelse; Ropi, Helwiyah; Indra Yani, Desy
2019-08Measuring Work Fatigue on Nurses: A Comparison between Indonesian Version of Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) and Japanese Industrial Fatigue Ressearch Commite (JIFRC) Fatigue QuestionnaireMuhamad Ramdan, Iwan