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dc.contributor.authorMafruchati, Maslichah-
dc.contributor.authorMakuwia, Jonathan-
dc.description.abstractBackground: Apis cerana honey bee is a honey bee native to Asia that spreads from Afghanistan, China, and Japan to Indonesia. The productivity of Apis cerana honey bees can produce as much as 2-5 kg of honey per colony in a year. Royal jelly is the queen's nourishment, and it is produced by larvae, adult bees, young worker bees, and male bee larvae. CBAVD contributes to 1–2% of the 20–25% of males with subfertility. Aim: The objective of this study was to evaluate Royal Jelly Apis Cerana as a potential therapeutic candidate for CBAVD using a bioinformatics approach. Method: This research method consisted of converting nucleotides into amino acids, analyzing the three-dimensional structure of Apis Cerana Royal Jelly Protein, Ramachandran Plot Analysis, Analysis of Epitope and Allergen Proteins, and Analysis of Proteins that were antigens and toxins. Results: The research results were conducted on six three-dimensional Apis Cerana Royal Jelly bee protein structures and had very good validity based on the Ramachandran plot, GQME value, and QmeanDisCo value. In addition, this study also obtained the results of proteins that are epitope, antigenic, non-allergenic, and non-toxic. Conclusion: The findings of this study can be used as a basis for therapy against CBAVD. Key words: Apis Cerana, Bioinformatics, CBAVD, Therapeutic Candidates, Public Health.en_US
dc.subjectApis Cerana, Bioinformatics, CBAVD, Therapeutic Candidates, Public Healthen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Royal Jelly Apis Cerana as Therapeutic Candidate in Cbavd Based on Bioinformatics Studiesen_US
Appears in Collections:VOL 15 NO 1 2023

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