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Title: Nephrotic Syndrome with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Histological Feature: A Case Report
Authors: Samudra, Dian
Widodo, Widodo
Mardiana, Nunuk
Keywords: Nephrotic syndrome, Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, Renal biopsy.
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Introduction: Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical syndrome of heavy proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia or hypoproteinemia. Renal biopsy is fundamental to assess not only the type but also the degree of disease activity. The overall prognosis and response to treatment often depend on the severity of histological lesions and their reversibility.1,2 Case Presentation: An eighteen years old man with nephrotic syndrome and planned for a kidney biopsy. This case showed a patient with swollen face (especially on the cheek). On Biopsy results showing the glomerulus proliferation of cells and mesangeal matrix, adhesions in (50%) glomerulus, focal sclerosis in some glomeruli, erythrocyte cells visible in the urinary space and thickening of the basement membrane in some glomeruli, partially atrophic tubules, visible erythrocytes in the tubular lumen. Conclusion: An eighteen years old man with nephrotic syndrome with cushing syndrome and hypokalemia who had a renal biopsy. The histological feature from the renal biopsy was focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. The underlying cause of FSGS is still unclear. Assessing the diagnosis and etiology become important to direct the subsequent clinical approach and therapy Key words: Nephrotic syndrome, Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, Renal biopsy
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9580
Appears in Collections:VOL 14 NO 4 2022

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