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Title: The Antioxidant Effects of the Ethanolic Extract of Binahong Leaves Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rat Model
Authors: Bahtiar, Anton
Sagita Utami, Putri
Raisa Noor, Melati
Keywords: Anredera cordifolia, Chronic kidney injury, Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction, Binahong
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Background: Chronic kidney injury produced free radicals. In a previous study, the ethanolic extract of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) has a flavonoid content, quercetin, a protective free radical effect. This study aims to determine the impact of binahong leaves against chronic kidney damage in Sprague Dawley rats. Methods: To this end, we developed a chronic kidney injury animal model by Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction (UUO) method. We randomly divided rats into six groups. Group I is the Sham group; Group II is the negative control group; Group III is the positive control group (losartan 1.18 mg/kg BW); Group IV is Dose I of binahong leaves extract 75 mg/kg BW); Group V is Dose II binahong leaves extract 150 mg/kg BW); Group VI is Dose III binahong leaves extract 300 mg/kg BW). We administered losartan and binahong extracts on day 14 after UUO treatment. The plasma was examined for the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity, catalase enzyme activity, and malondialdehyde (MDA). All statistical analyzes were processed using the Statistical Program of Social Sciences (SPSS) software for Windows, version 16. The measured values of the parameters were expressed in mean ± SD. The difference test between groups was evaluated by ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) followed by LSD (Least Significant Difference) with a degree of significance (p) <0.05 if the data distribution was normal and homogeneous. If the distribution of data is not normal and not homogeneous use non-parametric Kruskal Wallis analysis. Results: The results showed that UUO produced high MDA levels, whereas SOD activity and catalase activity were decreased compared with the Sham group. Administration of binahong extracts could reduce the MDA amount and increased the SOD and catalase activity. Conclusion: Binahong leaves extracts showed antioxidant activity to prevent kidney injury in UUO model rats. Key words: Anredera cordifolia, Chronic kidney injury, Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction, Binahong.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8602
Appears in Collections:VOL 13 NO 1 2021

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