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dc.contributor.authorJafar, Nurhaedar-
dc.contributor.authorHidayanty, Healthy-
dc.contributor.authorNatsir, Sudirman-
dc.identifier.citationResearch Articleen_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Majene Society own tradition and knowledge typical in selecting, processing, and consuming food. Use food local can maintain diversity food and culture local. Food local has proven effective for growth baby optimally. Goals: With do comprehensive analysis to provision of MP-ASI through foodbased wisdom local Majene, expected can an effective and sustainable stunting prevention program was developed. Method: Method research used is study qualitative with design phenomenology. Informant in study This are 103 Baduta mothers who are exclusively breastfed, and live in rural districts Pamboang and District Tameroddo. Data analyzed use content analysis through N-Vivo 12 app. Results: Food tree chief in Tameroddo is rice red Because rice red become plant lots of fields found and easy grows in mountainous areas. Meanwhile in the Coastal Region Pamboang Still consistent with rice white or yams. Typical vegetables is leaf moringa, Langurru ', and Lallere '. Government Regency Majene push planting leaf moringa in each home easy get and help in increase continuity food, savings cost, and independence food in Majene. Besides That, leaf moringa of course known known as " tree magic " because mark high nutrition. Majene Society own access and consumption vegetables langngurru ' and lallere ' are just that found in the area mountains Tameroddo. Usually leaf This used as plant medicine, but in this area made as processed vegetables with add mango sour. Side dish typical Majene known with called " Baupapi ". Habit consumption child given Eat with Fish sauce is considered Already enough , even often this fish sauce considered as replacement vegetables , though very easy found various the main fish species in the coastal area Pamboang . Known Pineapple in local language Majene as “Pandeng” is easiest fruit found Because grow with flourish in the yards House citizen. Findings food local the has content test nutrition and recipe test so that can used as the proper MP-ASI menu for given to baby for optimal growth. Conclusions and Suggestions: Important For ensure that kids get too consumption of fish or other protein sources as well as nutrition from vegetables and sources food other. Order child get appropriate nutrition through provision of adequate MP-ASI. Recommended to nanny , power health and government regency Majene to encourage provision of local MP-ASI with still notice mark appropriate nutrition , MP -ASI module as research output This can used as guidelines Proper provision of MP-ASI .en_US
dc.publisherPharmacognosy Journalen_US
dc.subjectFood based Locaen_US
dc.subjectStunting Preventionen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of the Giving of Mp-Asi Through Food Based on Majene's Local Wisdom for Stunting Preventionen_US
Appears in Collections:VOL 16 NO 2 2024

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