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Title: Analysis Factor Contributed BDNF Level Serum in Schizophrenia Patients During Antipsychotic Treatment at Reksodiwiryo Army Hospital and Siti Rahmah Islamic Hospital Padang Indonesia
Authors: Anissa, Mutiara
Akbar, Resti Rahmadika
Malik, Rifkind
Keywords: Brain-derived neurtopic factor
negative symptoms
positive symptoms
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Publisher: Pharmacognosy Journal
Citation: Research Article
Abstract: Schizophrenia is a debilitating and long-lasting psychiatric condition characterized by its severity. The main causes of this disorder are still complex and not fully understood. Schizophrenia is a serious and lifelong psychiatric condition, is estimated to affect around 1% of the population throughout their lifetime. This study aims to determine the contribution of serum Brain-derived neurotrophic (BDNF) levels in schizophrenia patients during antipsychotic treatment at Reksodiwiryo Army Hospital and Siti Rahmah Islamic Hospital, Padang, Indonesia. Duration of antipsychotic treament range 1 year to 10 years. The method used in this research was a random perspective approach and consecutive sampling for patients undergoing outpatient treatment at the Reksodiwiryo Army Hospital and Siti Rahmah Islamic Hospital, Padang City, Indonesia. The sample consisted of 43 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia through structured clinical interviews (mini ICD 10). The results obtained in this study were that of the 43 total patients observed, sociodemographics were found with women (51.2%) being more numerous than men (48.8%), the age of most patients encountered was in the age range of 36-25 years (28%) and duration of illness <5 years (34.9%) is smaller than >5 years (65%), for various treatments ranging from FGAs, SGAs and combination of FGAs and SGAs where the highest results were found in patients with SGAs treatment (37.2%). From the statistical analysis, the correlation between serum BDNF levels was insignificant with negative and positive symptoms.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8526
Appears in Collections:VOL 16 NO 2 2024

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