VOL 16 NO 4 2024 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The Relationship Between Blood Levels of Ubiquitin Carboxyterminal Hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) Protein and the Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury Based on the Glasgow Coma Scale and Rotterdam CT ScoreKristianto Manurung, Junjungan; Surya Airlangga, Prananda; Hamzah, Hamzah
2024Mechanism and Antifungal Activities Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Isolated from Patients Against Ethanol Extracts of Parameria laevigata (Juss.) Moldenke Stem BarkAnggraini, Wirda; Agus Purwanto, Djoko; Kusumawati, Idha; Isnaeni, Isnaeni
2024A Case of Spondyloarthritis with Deep Vein ThrombosisKamajaya, Mahresya; Diah Rahmawati, Lita
2024Apoptosis of The Lens Epithelial Cells After Ultraviolet-B Exposure as a Proposed Pathogenesis of Senile Cataract: Literature ReviewPutu Ayu Reza Dhiyantari, Ni; Hermawan, Dicky; Nurwasis, Nurwasis
2024Irritant-Induced Asthma: A Literature ReviewFrista Vendarani, Yoni; Is Effendi, Wiwin
2024A Review: Understanding the Impact of Cancer During the Search of Safe and Affordable Medicinal Plants. A Need for In Vivo Investigation for the Safety Aspect of Asparagus Laricinus?Moses Makhoahle, Pakiso
2024Health Action Process Approach in Non-Communicable Diseases: A Systematic ReviewSahmad, Sahmad; Zulkifli Abdullah, Andi; Muh. Syafar, Muh. Syafar; Sidin, Indahwaty
2024Cadre Assistance in Improving the Nutritional Status of Two Years Baby: A Literature ReviewRamli, Ramli; Syafar, Muhammad; Hadju, Veni; Syam, Aminuddin; Mallongi, Anwar
2024Training Methods of Basic Life Support in Laypeople to Prevent Death Due to Cardiac Arrest: Scoping ReviewAlamsyah, Alamsyah; Muhammad Saleh, Lalu; S. Russeng, Syamsiar
2024Analysis of Quality of Life Factors in HIV/AIDS Patients at Example Health CenterAmirah, Asriwati; muhamad, Zuriati; Samosir, Lusianah
2024Application-based Reproductive Health Education on Reproductive Health Risk Behavior among Adolescents in Ternate CityMuhlisa, Muhlisa; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Indarty Moedjiono, Apik
2024Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity Test of Ethanol Extract of Durian (Durio Zibethinus murr.) Soya Varieties Against Pathogen Bacteria Escherichia Coli in Raw Drinking WaterAhmad, Rahwan; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Arsin, A.Arsunan
2024Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant and Anti-Arthritis Potential of Decoction Extract from Caulerpa lentilliferaJarmkom, Khemjira; Eiamart, Wanna; Tunit, Prakairat
2024Positive NS1 Antigen in Non-Dengue Virus Infection Serum: Possible Reasons for the Discrepancy with DENV PCR ResultsAgung Ayu Eka Putri Sunari, I Gusti; Aryati, Aryati; Khoirun Nisa Hakim, Faradila
2024Combination Bitter, Ginger, Turmeric Extract in Mice: Acute and Sub Acute Toxicity AnalysisHandayani H., Handayani H.; Novi P., Renny; Ferdiantoro, Andik
2024Cookies Formula for Oat (Avena sativa L.) and Plainnates (Musa Paradisiaca L.) as Alternative Food IngredientsDiningsih, Ayus; Linda Futri Harahap, Cory; Sariani Hasibuan, Elmi; Dalimunthe, Rudi; Ritonga, Nefonavratilova; Ahmad, Haslinah; J. Hadi, Anto; Arlanda Sani, Hapiz; Mallongi, Anwar
2024Development and Feasibility Test of the Self-Management Hypertension (SMH) Application for Elderly People with Hypertension in Makassar CityHarun, Hilda; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Arsin, A. Arsunan
2024Identification of Effort and Issues in the Prevention of Diabetic Foot in the Community: A Qualitative StudyTini, Tini; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Masni, Masni; Mallongi, Anwar
2024Analysis of the Implementation of the Use of Hospital Management Information Systems (Simrs) in Hospitals Kindergarten IV Dr Sumantri ParepareSuparno, Suparno; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Palutturi, Sukri; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Thamrin, Yahya; Leida, Ida
2024Evaluation of the Program to Overcome Undernutrition in the Working Area of Cendrawasih City Health Center, MakassarOctavia, Armiaty; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Indar, Indar; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Naiem, M. Furqaan; Leida, Ida
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41