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Title: Pengaruh Intervensi Tenaga Kesehatan terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Indonesia: Kajian Literatur
Authors: Pratiwi, Fransiska Indah
Widayati, Aris
Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus
health professional intervention
Issue Date: Aug-2021
Publisher: Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis
Citation: Original Article
Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) therapy aims to control blood sugar levels and prevent complications. The intervention of health workers supports the compliance of DM patients in using their drugs to achieve therapeutic success. Interventions can be in the form of follow-up, reminder media, pillbox, training, booklet media, and special drug packaging. This literature review aims to describe the impact of the intervention by health workers on adherence to taking hypoglycemic drugs in type 2- DM (T2DM) patients. The literature search method is done through Google Scholar. The selected literature inclusion criteria included: 1) intervention by health workers for the treatment of T2DM patients in Indonesia, 2) an adequate intervention study design, 3) measurement of adherence parameters for hypoglycemic medication regimen and/or blood sugar levels before and after the intervention, 4) a peer-reviewed research article. The literature selection was carried out by two raters with a Kappa Cohen score of 0.939. A total of 14 selected articles were reviewed. The study results show that the incidence of T2DM occurred in women, adults, and the elderly. Interventions for health workers included home care, providing information, counseling, and using specific tools. All the reviewed articles reported improvement in adherence to medication and blood glucose controls. It can be concluded that the health professional’s interventions increased adherence to hypoglycemic medications and blood glucose controls in T2DM patients.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6862
Appears in Collections:VOL 8 NO 2 2021

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