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Title: Analysis of Climate and Environmental Risk Factors on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Incidence in Bogor District
Authors: Arminsih Wulandari, Ririn
Rahmawati, Tria
Asyary, Al
Nugraha, Fajar
Keywords: altitude area,
dengue hemorrhagic fever,
Larvae Free Rate,
Issue Date: 31-Aug-2023
Publisher: The Indoneisan Journal Of Public Health
Abstract: Abstract Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is transmitted through the bites of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes and remains an endemic in Bogor District. This quantitative correlation study with an ecological approach aimed to analyze how DHF incidence was influenced by climate factors, population density, Larvae Free Rate, and the area altitude factor. Secondary data were obtained from the Bogor District Health Office, Bogor District Central Bureau of Statistics, and the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency. The spatial analysis method was used for the area altitude factor. The results showed a significant relationship between climate factors, such as air humidity at a Time Lag of 0 months (r = 0.394) and the altitude factor (r = -0.350), and DHF incidence in the Bogor District from 2017 to 2022. Spatial data showed that DHF incidence tends to be higher in districts with lower altitudes. Therefore, the Bogor District Health Office and the community can enhance efforts to prevent and control DHF, especially during seasonal transitions and in areas with lower altitudes. Cross-sector collaboration with the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency is also necessary to remain vigilant during climate fluctuations. Keywords: altitude area, climate, dengue hemorrhagic fever, Larvae Free Rate, population density
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6593
ISSN: 2460-0601
Appears in Collections:VOL 18 NO 3 2023

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