VOL 16 NO 3 2021 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021COVID-19 Preparedness and the Anxiety of Thai CitizensLateh, Afifi; Pasunon, Prasopchai; Dolah, Kiflan
2021King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Higher-Education Students from the Armed Conflict Region of ThailandJatchavala, Chonnakarn; Vittayanont, Arnont
2021Geographic Accessibility towards Primary Health Care in Karawang DistrictRamadina, Nabila; Nurmansyah Ardisasmita, Mulya; Sujatmiko, Budi
2021Factors Shaping Uptake of Antenatal Care in Surabaya Municipality, Indonesia: A Qualitative StudyJones, Lisa; Anita Damayanti, Nyoman; Wiseman, Nicola; Harris, Neil
2021Reasons for Unwanted Pregnancy among Women of Childbearing Age (15-19 Years) in Jambi ProvinceKalsum, Ummi; Listiawaty, Renny; Noor A M Awal, Dato
2021Characteristics of Cognitive Status in Sub-Population of Sub Acute Stage of Ischemic Stroke Patients in West Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaSyafii Harahap, Herpan; Akbar, Muhammad; Tammasse, Jumraini; Kurnia Bintang, Andi; Alfian Zainuddin, Andi
2021Correlation between Dental Environment and Perceived Stress Scale among Dental Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic in IndonesiaErri Astoeti, Tri; Josephine, Howis; Sari Widyarman, Armelia; Sudhana, Widijanto
2021Correlation between Care Burden and Mental Health with the Perceived Social Support of Patients Relatives in TurkeyŞAHİNGÖZ TAHTA, Mehtap; BALCI, Elçin
2021Strategy for Diagnosing Breast Cancer in Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Switching to Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Core Needle BiopsyBriani Sobri, Farida; Bachtiar, Adang; Soni Panigoro, Sonar; Cresti Rahmaania, Juwita; Wardana Yuswar, Patria; Krisnuhoni, Ening; Tandiari, Nelly
2021Association between Self-Reported Fatigue and Sarcopenia Measures among Elderly in Selangor, MalaysiaJustine, Maria; Latir, Aliff; Noor, Nadhirah; Joanny, Angelbeth; Iskandar, Izzaty; S A Faizi, Maisarah; Edinan, Dzulhelmi
2021Accelerating the Provision of Safe Water Supply in Urban and Rural Areas of IndonesiaSutomo, Sumengen; Sagala, Salord; Sutomo, Bebi; Wrinarti, Sri; Sanjaya, Gelant
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11