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Title: Mutation of PAX3 and MITF genes in a family with type 1 Waardenburg syndrome: a case series
Authors: Setyawati Muhiddin, Habibah
Rimayanti, Ulfah
Latama, Fadhlullah
Muhammad Ichsan, Andi
Nur Rahmah Akib, Marliyanti
Titirina Poli, Adelina
Budu, Budu
Pratiwi, Andi
Keywords: genes
Waardenburg syndrome
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Mutation of PAX3 and MITF genes in a family with type 1 Waardenburg syndrome: a case series Habibah Setyawati Muhiddin, Ulfah Rimayanti, Fadhlullah Latama, Andi Muhammad Ichsan, Marliyanti Nur Rahmah Akib, Adelina Titirina Poli, Budu, Andi Pratiwi Case Report/Series ABSTRACT Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is a rare genetical disorder, characterized with pigmentary abnormalities of the eyes, skin, hair, dystopia canthorum, and sensorineural deafness. In Majene, West Sulawesi, 12 members of a 4-generation family presented manifestations of WS. We examined the presence of mutations in 5 family members with type 1 WS and the other 5 normal phenotype family members to identify mutations of PAX3 and MITF genes. Ophthalmic examination and peripheral blood test were done. Conventional polymerase chain reaction and direct Sanger sequencing were then performed to detect the mutation. 26 mutations of PAX3 gene were only identified in patients with major and minor criteria, including 7 missense mutations (substitutions) and 2 insertions in exons 1, 2, and 6, as well as 17 intronic changes in intron 8. No mutations were detected in MITF gene. KEYWORDS genes, Waardenburg syndrome
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5958
Appears in Collections:VOL 32 NO 2 2023

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