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Title: Perspective:VeganDietsforOlderAdults? APerspectiveOnthePotentialImpactOnMuscle MassandStrength
Authors: Domi, Jacintha
Grootswagers, Pol
vanLoon, Luc JC
Groot1, Lisette CPGM de
Keywords: plant-basedfood
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Consumers are increasingly encouraged to consume more plant-based foods and lower their consumption of foods from animal origin. Concurrently, older adults are recommended to consume an adequate amount of high-quality dietary protein for the prevention of age-related muscle loss. In the current Perspective article, we discuss why it may not be preferredto consume a vegan diet at an older age. Our perspective is based on the proposed lower bioavailability and functionality of proteins in a vegan diet due to the matrix of the whole-food protein sources,the lower essential amino acid (EAA) content, and specific EAA deficiencies in proteins derived from plant-based foods. We propose that a vegan diet increasestheriskofaninadequateproteinintakeatanolderageandthatcurrentstrategiestoimprovetheanabolicpropertiesofplant-basedfoods arenotfeasibleformanyolderadults.Weproviderecommendationsforfurtherresearchtosubstantiatetheremainingknowledgegapsregarding theconsequencesofavegandietonskeletalmusclemassandstrengthatanolderage
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5144
Appears in Collections:VOL 13 NO 2 2022

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