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Title: A Systematic Review of Salt Reduction Initiatives Around the World: A Midterm Evaluation of Progress Towards the 2025 Global Non-Communicable Diseases Salt Reduction Target
Authors: Santos, Joseph Alvin
Tekle, Dejen
Rosewarne, Emalie
Flexner, Nadia
Cobb, Laura
Al-Jawaldeh, Ayoub
Kim, Warrick Junsuk
Breda, Joao
Whiting, Stephen
Campbell, Norm
Neal, Bruce
Webster, Jacqui
Trieu, Kathy
Keywords: salt intake
salt reduction
food policy
public health nutrition
noncommunicable diseases
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Advances in Nutrition
Series/Report no.: Review;1768-1780
Abstract: In 2013, theWHOrecommended that all member states aim to reduce population salt intake by 30% by 2025. The year 2019 represents the midpoint, making it a critical time to assess countries’progress towards this target. This review aims to identify all national salt reduction initiatives around the world in 2019, and to quantify countries’ progress in achieving the salt reduction target. Relevant data were identified through searches of peerreviewed and gray literature, supplemented with responses from prefilled country questionnaires sent to known country leads of salt reduction or salt champions, WHO regional representatives, and international experts to request further information. Core characteristics of each country’s strategy, including evaluations of program impact, were extracted and summarized. A total of 96 national salt reduction initiatives were identified, representing a 28% increase in the number reported in 2014. About 90% of the initiatives were multifaceted in approach, and 60% had a regulatory component. Approaches include interventions in settings (n=74), food reformulation (n=68), consumer education (n=50), front-of-pack labeling (n= 48), and salt taxation (n= 5). Since 2014, there has been an increase in the number of countries implementing each of the approaches, except consumer education. Data on program impactwere limited. Therewere 3 countries that reported a substantial decrease (>2 g/day), 9 that reported a moderate decrease (1–2 g/day), and 5 that reported a slight decrease (<1 g/day) in the mean salt intake over time, but none have yet met the targeted 30% relative reduction in salt intake from baseline. In summary, there has been an increase in the number of salt reduction initiatives around the world since 2014.More countries are now opting for structural or regulatory approaches. However, efforts must be urgently accelerated and replicated in other countries and more rigorous monitoring and evaluation of strategies is needed to achieve the salt reduction target
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5009
Appears in Collections:VOL 12 NO 5 (2021)

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