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Title: Perspective:ClassifyingOrthorexiaNervosaasa NewMentalIllness—MuchDiscussion,Little Evidence
Authors: Strahler, Jana
Stark, Rudolf
Keywords: obsessive compulsive disorder
orthorexia nervosa
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: American Society for Nutrition
Abstract: Significantprevalenceratesofpathologicalhealthfuleatinganditsextremeform,orthorexianervosa(ON),thepathologicalobsessionwithhealthy eating, have led to increased efforts to understand this phenomenon’s clinical relevance. This narrative review qualitatively summarizes existing evidence on the (psycho-)pathology and consequences of ON and offers an interpretation within the frame of existing theories and models of psychiatric disease. Adding to the controversy in the field of ON, this review offers important critiques and identifies gaps in our current understandingofONasa(distinct)mentalillness
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4967
Appears in Collections:VOL 11 NO 4 (2020)

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