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Title: AssociationbetweenMicronutrientsandHeart RateVariability:AReviewofHumanStudies
Authors: Lopresti, AdrianL
Keywords: heartratevariability
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation between consecutive heartbeats. It provides a marker of the interplay between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, and there is an increasing body of evidence confirming an increased HRV is associated with better mental and physical health. HRV may be a useful marker of stress as it represents the ability of the heart to respond to a variety of physiological and environmental stimuli. HRV tends to decrease as we age and is positively associated with physical activity, fitness, and healthier lifestyles. The relation between HRV and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) has also received some attention in the research literature. In this review, cross-sectional and interventional studies on human populations examining the relation between HRV and micronutrients are appraised. Micronutrients identified and examined in this review include vitamins D, B-12, C, and E; the minerals magnesium, iron, zinc, and coenzyme Q10; andamultivitamin-mineralformula.Duetothepaucityofresearchandsignificantheterogeneityinstudies,definitiveconclusionsabouttheeffects of these micronutrients on HRV cannot be made at this time. However, there is accumulating evidence suggesting deficiencies in vitamins D and B-12areassociatedwithreducedHRV,andzincsupplementationduringpregnancycanhavepositiveeffectsonHRVinoffspringupuntiltheageof 5y.TofurtherelucidatetherelationbetweenmicronutrientsandHRV,additionalrobustlydesignedandadequatelypoweredstudiesarerequired
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4871
Appears in Collections:VOL 11 NO 3 (2020)

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