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Title: Nurse’s experience in giving nursing care to Covid-19 patients
Authors: Royani Siregar, Hotma
Febrina, Angraini Simamora
Masraini Daulay, Nanda
Herianto Ritonga, Sukhri
Adli Simamora, Asnil
Adelina Harahap, Mei
Suryani Sagala, Nanda
Fitri Napitupulu, Natar
Antoni, Adi
Alwi, Fahrizal
Napitupulu, Mastiur
Keywords: Nurse’s experience
Nursing care
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Nurse’s experience in giving nursing care to Covid-19 patients Hotma Royani Siregar ∗, Febrina Angraini Simamora, Nanda Masraini Daulay, Sukhri Herianto Ritonga, Asnil Adli Simamora, Mei Adelina Harahap, Nanda Suryani Sagala, Natar Fitri Napitupulu, Adi Antoni, Fahrizal Alwi, Mastiur Napitupulu Faculty of Health, Universitas Aufa Royhan, Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia Received 26 September 2021; accepted 26 March 2022 KEYWORDS Nurse’s experience; Nursing care; Patient; COVID-19 Abstract Objective: The objective was to describe Nurse’s experience in giving nursing care to covid-19 patients. Method: Phenomenology design was used in this study. Participants in this study were nurses who provided nursing care for COVID-19 patients. Participant data were obtained from the nursing office and contacted via cell phone to become participants. After data saturation the researcher found six nurses as participants. In-depth interviews were conducted from July to August 2020 to explore the experiences of nurses giving nursing care to Covid-19 patients. Data was analyzed using the Colaizzi method. Result: We found five themes of nurses giving nursing care to Covid-19 patients. The themes include the Motivation of nurses to provide nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic, the nurse emotional response, the patient emotional response, the problems faced by COVID-19 nurses, and the expectations of the nurses. Conclusion: Nurses need support while giving nursing care to Covid-19 patients to break Covid19 transmission.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4336
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