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dc.contributor.authorAISakir, Noviana-
dc.contributor.authorGKim, Jae-
dc.description.abstractTheeffectofsappanwoodextractsintreatingdiabetesinducedinmice NovianaAISakir*,JaeGKim DepartmentofBiologyEducation,SeoulNationalUniversity,Seoul08826,SouthKorea * Abstract Background: Since 2015, an estimated 415 million people had diabetes worldwide. Although, there is no scientific research related to the effectiveness of chemical substance (brazilin) in Caesalpinia sappan L. that can decrease blood glucoselevelin humans, manypeopleinSulawesiconsume this wood for diabetestreatment.Thisstudyaimed to prove the effect of sappan wood extract on decreasing blood glucose levels in mice and to identify the most effective dose. Methods: Experimental research (pretest and posttest randomized controlled group design) was conducted on 20 male albino mice [body weight (bw): 20–30 g] used as alloxan-induced diabetic models and were divided into four treatment groups according to alloxan dose: control and 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 g/kg bw (n = 5 for all groups) groups. Results: Significanteffectsofsappanwoodextractondecreasingbloodglucoselevelsinmicewerenotedinthepretestandposttest (pvaluesare0.754and0.901respectively).Conclusions:Sappanwoodextractcouldreducebloodglucoselevelsinmice with diabetes induced by alloxan at 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 g/kg bw. The extract with 0.50 g/kg bw dose was the most effectiveindecreasingglucoselevelsinhyperglycemicmice. Keywords:antihyperglycemic,diabetesmellitus,heartwooden_US
Appears in Collections:VOL 23 NO 2 2019

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