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Title: Challenges and Solutions in Implementing a Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family Approach
Other Titles: Tantangan dan Solusi dalam Implementasi Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga
Authors: Sulistiowati, Eva
Susyanty, Andy Leny
Fajarwati, Tetra
Sapardin, Aprildah Nur
Susilawati, Made Dewi
Idaiani, Sri
Avrina, Rossa
Hasanah, Siti Nur
Hartati, Nova Sri
Harso, Agus Dwi
Jovina, Tince
Dewi, Makassari
Yunianto, Andre
Keywords: Implementation
Healthy Indonesia Program
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Jurnal MKMI
Series/Report no.: ;430-445
Abstract: The Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family Approach (PISPK) is conducted by puskesmas by integrating existing resources, with the family’s target. All families will get access to comprehensive health services. The implementation of PISPK since 2016 has not been optimal because it has many obstacles. The analysis aims to identify the obstacles, and to find solutions to implemented PISPK optimally. Implementation research was carried out using Participatory Action Research (PAR). The team (researcher and subject) implemented PISPK together based on stages that integrated into puskesmas management, at 4 puskesmas in South Lam-pung. Researchers assisted and recorded data collected qualitatively (self-assess-ment, in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion), and quantitatively. There are any obstacles occurred in the implementation of PISPK such as the absence of reg-ulations and cross-sectoral supports; lack of knowledge and support from village officials, community leaders, and the public; limited resources; lack of understand-ing of the substantive; application; lack of data analysis capabilities. These obstac-les can be minimized by making some breakthroughs, such as advocacy and issu-ance of local government regulations on PISPK involving cross-sectors; increase socialization; periodic coordination, monitoring, and evaluation; making innova-tions (On Job Training, collaboration with universities and health volunteer, Healthy Family Coverage Pocket Book, developing data analysis methods). The im-plementation of PISPK has many obstacles that can be minimized by optimizing ex-isting potentials and support from stakeholders. Puskesmas need to increase so-cialization; team organizing; data analysis; coordination, and routine monitoring evaluation. Pusdatin needs to improve KS applications to be more user-friendly.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3993
Appears in Collections:VOL 16 NO 4 2020

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