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Title: Kelayakan Produk Lenan Rumah Tangga dari Limbah Tekstil dengan Teknik Paquiw
Authors: Ade Arsetyaji, Siswanti
Widowati, Widowati
Mandasari, Agistiana
Keywords: linen
paquiw technique
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Kelayakan Produk Lenan Rumah Tangga dari Limbah Tekstil dengan Teknik Paquiw Siswanti Ade Arsetyaji, Widowati, Agistiana Mandasari Program Studi PKK Konsentrasi Tata Busana, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Semarang Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Busana, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Malang, Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of the results of household linen products in the form of pillowcases and tableclotch in terms of aesthetic and economic aspects by using the theory of eligibility in the form of design, raw materials, ways of making, brands, packaging, and prices. The object in this study uses incidental samples, which means that the sampling technique is based on coincidence, is anyone who accidentally or incidentally meets the researcher can be used as a sample. The feasibility test involving one product validator and two expert panelists was conducted to determine the quality of eligibility wether or not feasible to use and before the questionaire was distributed to respondents. For the matter of eligibility, whether valid or not by involving 2 repondents of untrained trials to know more deeply the level of the questions and the product. The feasibility test questionnaire was conducted by 30 respondents to find out a certain level of eligibility. Data from the feasibility test result were analyzed using the product moment correlations formula followed by frequency distribution data the results of the due diligence test show that there are significant defferences in household linen product in terms of design, raw materials, ways of making, brands, and prices, but not packaging. The highes level of feasibility is obtained by aspect of design, raw materials, and ways of making. The result of the panelists 91,11% were very feasible, the trials were 100% valid, and the respondents 94,22% were very feasible. Keywords: linen, waste, paquiw technique
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3449
Appears in Collections:VOL 10 NO 1 (2021)

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