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Keywords: Behavior,NutritionalStatusToddler
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universitas Aufa Royhan
Abstract: Nutritional status toddler is the state of the body as a result of consumption food and nutrients, to distinguish between good nutritional status, less, and worse. Ms. behavior concerning nutrition is what is known mothers about healthy food, healthy food for certain age groups (eg toddlerShutdown, pregnant women, and breastfeeding) and how she chose, processing and preparingfoodproperly. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of mother's behavior toward nutritional status of infants at the Village Panompuan Jae AngkolaEasternDistrictofSouthTapanuli2016. The study was a descriptive study of correlation with cross sectional design with a sample of mothers in the village Panompuan Jae Angkola Eastern District of South Tapanuli Year 2016 Techniques of data collection was done by interview using a questionnaire with 15 questions developed by researchers. The study was conducted in January s / d in July 2016. The analysis used were univariateandbivariatesquareujichi The results showed that there was a relationship of Conduct Against Mothers Nutritional Status In Toddlers significance (P value = 0.001; α = 0.05). Based on the results showed that the knowledge and attitudes about the nutritional status of healthy foods in toddlers. If there are family members with malnutrition status of the family in child care is defined as behavior that is practiced by caregivers (especially mothers) in providing food, health care, provide stimuli and emotional support that children need to grow flowers. Thus theroleofthemothercandeterminehowthenutritionalstatusofchildren.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3309
Appears in Collections:2016

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