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Authors: Lestari, Nopida
Keywords: BehaviorPregnancWomen,TheDangerOfFirstTrimester Pregnancy
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universitas Aufa Royhan
Abstract: Pregnancy is the growth and development of intra-uterine fetal ranging from conception and ends until the onset of labor. Danger in pregnancy is one sign had serious problems in pregnant women or fetuses, for early detection of the occurrence a high risk of pregnancy and the partusition can also reduce maternalmortalityandtomonitorfetalstatus. The purpose of this study is determine the behavior of the first trimester pregnant women about the dangers of the first trimester of pregnancy in Bintuju VillageBatangAngkoladistrictSouthtTapanuliin2016.Kindescriptiveresearch. The samples used all pregnant women the first trimester which amounted to 31 people by using the technique (accidental sampling). Data processing includes editing, coding, and tabulating the results of measurements obtained and then to presentedintheformofafrequency distribution. The results of a 31 respondents have enough knowledge as many as 16 people 51.6%. The attitude of a 31 respondentsis mayority had a positive attitude as much as 21 people 67.7%. The action of the 31 respondents is mayority has actionnotasmanyas17peoplehavenomeasureswere54,8%. It is expected that the respondent first trimester pregnant women to be more active search for information about the dangers of the first trimester pregnancy or about the generall health with the hear health officer or from the othersourcesinformationiftogetthenightinformation
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3278
Appears in Collections:2016

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