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Authors: Tanjung, Suhaidah Fitri
Keywords: Knowledgehusband,Menopause,SocialSupport
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universitas Aufa Royhan
Abstract: Theexistenceofahusbandtoaccompany hiswifewhenapproachingthe menopause will give a special meaning. Deliberately or not the presence of a husbandtohavearoleintheformofpeaceofhearttoliveanextlifecycle. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationshipof husband's knowledge about menopause with social support on the wife who face menopause in Desa Kuala Batahan 2016. This study used a descriptive correlation research methodwithcross sectionaldesign.Thepopulationinthisstudy acrossahusband whohasawifeaged45-55 yearsinthevillageofKualaBatahan2016asmanyas 65 people and the number of samples of 54 people by using purposive sampling technique.DataanalysiswasperformedwithSpearman'srhotest. The results showed that the knowledge of the husband of the menopause associated with social support on the wife who face menopause with significance level (p) of the results of the Spearman correlation was obtained p equal to 0.003 and the strength of the correlation (r = 0.535) with significant value that can be received(p<0,05),sothatitcanbeconcluded thatthehypothesisoftheresearch is acceptable (There husband's knowledge about menopause relationship with socialsupportonthewifewhofacemenopauseinDesaKualaBatahan2016). It is advisable for the husband who has a wife, especially in the stage of menopause to be active following the extension associated with menopause are implemented and that health workers have always been actively looking for informationeitherintheformofhealthworkeraskedaboutmenopausefacedwife
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3249
Appears in Collections:2016

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