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Authors: Rambe, Susi Yuni Sari
Keywords: Knowledge,Ms.Suckling,TreatmentOfBosomChafedNipple Milk
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universitas Aufa Royhan
Abstract: Treatment of bosom is way of done/conducted to take care of bosom [so that/ to be] milk water go out at ease, especially at a period of/to child bed/ a period of/to suckling. Most pain in bone nipple/ chafed because of mistake in tekhnik suckle, that is milk baby do not to bosom underlayer. If/When milk baby only at milk nipple, hence baby will get ASI a few/little because baby gum do not depress at sine area of laktiferus, while at its mother will happened chafed at its milknipple. Target of this research is to know knowledge and mother attitude suckle about treatment of bosom with occurence of chafed milk nipple in Countryside of SalambueDistrictOfPadangsidimpuanSouth-EastYear2016 This Research type use descriptively of correlation with study device of cross sectional. Data collected by alloting interview of kuesioner used to evaluate knowledge of mother suckle. Responder is entire/all mother suckle exist in Countryside of Salambue counted 32 people. Analysis the used is analysis of univariatbivariateanalysisandwithtestofchisquare. Result of research indicate that knowledge of mother suckle majority less counted 20 people ( 62,5%). Mother attitude suckle negative majority counted 19 people ( 59,4%). Occurence of chafed milk putting of chafed mayorita counted 17 people(53,1%). Result of knowledge [relation/link] analysis with occurence of milk putting of lecetdi get p-value 0,001<(0,05) hence Ho refused and Is Ha accepted. Attitude mother relation/link suckle with occurence of chafed milk nipple in getting p-value 0,000<(0,05) hence Ho refused and Is Ha accepted from result of above meaning there is knowledge [relation/link] and mother attitude suckle abouttreatmentofbosomwithoccurenceofchafedmilknipple
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3247
Appears in Collections:2016

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