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Keywords: ImmunizationHB-0,Mother,Behavior
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universitas Aufa Royhan
Abstract: HB-0 immunization or immunization hepatitis B immunization given to induce an active immunity against infectious diseases that can damage the liver which implies HBsAg in liquid form. HB-0 immunization is Hepatitis B immunizationsgiventoinfantsattheageof0-7days. This study was a descriptive quantitatif study that aims to see Mother Behavior Immunization HB-0 in Puskesmas Pokenjior sub-district Angkola Julu 2016. Data collection tools used in this study was a questionnaire, the number of sampleasmanyas33people. The results showed that the mother knowledge on the Granting ImmunizationHB-0,tothelevelofknowledgebothasmany as10people(30.3%), sufficient knowledge of 15 people (45.6%) and less knowledge of 8 people (24.2%). Attitude on the Granting Immunization HB-0, to the attitude of both categories as many as 14 people (42.4%), attitude quite categories as many as 13 people(39.4%) andlesscategoryattitudeasmuchas6people(18.2%). Measures mother did not give HB-0 immunization as many as 22 people (66.7%) and provide immunization HB-0 as many as 11 people (33.3%).
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3246
Appears in Collections:2016

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