Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2995
Keywords: Economy , Husband' sSuppor t , ANC
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Universitas Aufa Royhan
Abstract: Mostof t he Mat er naldeat h due heal t h wor ker l at e i n det ect i ng t her e ar e compl i cat i ons on t he go a mot her ' s pr egnancy.Some r esear ch pr ove t hatby doi ng pr egnancyt estwel lcan meett he needs pr egnantmot herespeci al l yi n knowl edge i mpr ovementaboutherpr egnancy,t hi s can be basi c knowl edge wher ei samot hermustbeabl et odet ectIhavecompl i cat i ons,soi tcanbesoon r ecogni zed and handl ed pr oper l y.I n t hi scasehusband' ssuppor ti sneeded i n or dert of ul f i l lpsychol ogi calneedsapr egnantwoman.TheResear chdesi gn wi t h Cor r el at i ve Descr i pt i ve wi t h a Cr oss Sect i onalSt udy appr oach.The Resear ch doneAtPMBNel l yHar ahapPadangsi di mpuanUt ar a.Thepopul at i oni nt hest udy i spr egnantwomenasmanyas40peopl e.Thesampl ei nt hi sst udyi s40wi t h t ot alsampl i ngt echni que.TheDat aanal ysi susedi sChiSquar e.Ther esul t sof t hest udyshow economi cr el at i onshi pwi t hr egul ar i t yANCcheck( 0. 000) ,t her ei s ahusband' ssuppor tr el at i onshi p wi t hr egul ar i t yANC exami nat i on( 0. 002) .The concl usi oni st hatt her ei saneconomi cr el at i onshi p andhusband' ssuppor twi t h r egul ar i t yANC exami nat i oni satPMB Nel l yHar ahapPadangsi di mpuani n2021. Advi cet ohusbandswhol ackssuppor tt opar t i ci pat ei ngi vi ngsuppor tf orwi f et o beobedi enti nper f or mi ngAnt enat alCar e
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2995
Appears in Collections:2021

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