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Title: Risk of Malignancy Index 3 (RMI3) Performance as a Predictor Advanced Stage Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma used for NACT
Authors: Nurseta, Tatit
Herliawati, Putu A.
Harnandari, Dhian E. P.
Handono, Kusworini
Irwanto, Yahya
Sutrisno, Sutrisno
Keywords: advanced stage
diagnostic test
ovarian carcinoma
risk of malignancy index
Issue Date: Jan-2022
Abstract: Risk of Malignancy Index 3 (RMI3) Performance as a Predictor Advanced Stage Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma used for NACT Perfoma Risk of Malignancy Index 3 (RMI3) sebagai Prediktor Karsinoma Ovarium Epithelial Stadium Lanjut untuk Pertimbangan Pemberian NACT Tatit Nurseta 1 , Putu A. Herliawati 2 , Dhian E. P. Harnandari 1 , Kusworini Handono 3 , Yahya Irwanto 1 , Sutrisno 1 1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2 Master Program in Midwifery 3 Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang Abstract Abstrak Objective: To find a non-invasive method in determining preoperative NACT administration. The method used is Tujuan: Untuk mencari metode non invasive dalam penentuan pemberian NACT pre operatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah RMI 3 diagnostic scoring where this method can be used scoring diagnostic RMI 3 dimana metode ini bisa digunakan saat awal pemeriksan dan hasil nya tidak memerlukan waktu yang lama. menilai apakah performa RMI3 dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor karsinoma ovarium epitelial stadium lanjut dalam kepentingan pemberian NACT. at the beginning of the examination and the results do not require a long time. assessed whether RMI3 performance can be used as a predictor of advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma in the interest of NACT. Methods: A cross-sectional study with samples of all patients suffering from ovarian cancer for the past 5 years, from January 2016 to January 2020 who had been diagnosed at the Gynecology Polyclinic using medical record data from the Gynecology Oncology Polyclinic and Anatomical Pathology Laboratory, RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar in the form of age, demographics, menopausal status, Ca125, ultrasound results. Data is processed using SPSS version 25.0. Metode: Penelitian observasional analitik jenis studi retrospektif cross sectional dengan sampel semua pasien yang menderita kanker ovarium selama 5 tahun kebelakang yaitu dari bulan januari 2016 sampai dengan Januari 2020 yang telah didiagnosis di poli Ginekologi menggunakan data rekam medis poli Ginekologi Onkologi dan Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar berupa usia, demografi, status menopause, Ca125, hasil USG. Data diproses menggunakan progam SPSS versi 25.0. Results: The number of initial samples of this study was 253 women, but after being included in the inclusion and exclusion criteria, there were 106 samples. After staging by an authorized clinician, there were 48 patients with early stage and 58 patients with advanced stage. Between the results of the RMI 3 score and the histopathological results on the ROC curve, it was found that the p-value was less than 0.05 (p<0.05) with an area of 0.945 and 95% CI of 0.907 - 0.982. P-value less than 0.05 indicates that the RMI3 score is very good for predicting advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma. With a sensitivity value of 86% and a specificity of 83%, the cut of value RMI score 3 to be a predictor of advanced ovarian carcinoma is 888.3 and PPV 86.2%, NPV 83.3% and an accuracy value of 84.9%. Hasil: Jumlah sampel awal penelitian ini adalah 253 perempuan, tetapi setelah dimasukan ke dalam kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi terisisa 106 sampel. Setelah di staging oleh klinisi yang berwenang, di dapat 48 pasien dengan stadium awal dan 58 pasien dengan stadium lanjut. Antara hasil skor RMI 3 dan hasil histopatologi pada kurva ROC didapatkan bahwa nilai p-value kurang dari 0,05 (p<0.05) dengan luas area sebesar 0,945 dan 95% CI sebesar 0,907 – 0,982. P-value kurang dari 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa skor RMI3 sangat baik untuk digunakan dalam memprediksi karsinoma ovarium epitelial stadium lanjut. Dengan nilai sensitifitas sebesar 86% dan spesifisitas sebesar 83% sehingga cut of value skor RMI 3 untuk menjadi prediktor karsinoma ovarium stadium lanjut adalah sebesar 888,3 dan PPV 86,2%, NPV 83,3% dan nilai akurasi sebesar 84,9%. Conclusion: RMI 3 is very good to be used as a predictor of advanced ovarian carcinoma so that it is expected to be a reference for the administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in primary ovarian carcinoma which is predicted to be less likely to achieve optimal cytoreduction if surgery is performed to reduce the risk of mortality, morbidity and bad prognosis. Kesimpulan: RMI 3 sangat baik untuk digunakan sebagai predictor karsinoma ovarium stadium lanjut sehingga diharapakan dapat menjadi acuan pemberian neoadjuvant kemoterapi pada karsinoma ovarium primer yang diprediksi kecil kemungkinannya mencapai sitoreduksi yang optimal bila dilakukan pembedahan untuk menurunkan risiko mortalitas, morbiditas dan prognostik yang kurang baik. Keywords: advanced stage, diagnostic test, ovarian carcinoma, NACT, risk of malignancy index, RMI 3, USG. Kata kunci: karsinoma ovarium, risk of malignancy index, RMI 3, stadium lanjut, uji diagnostik, USG, NACT.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2829
Appears in Collections:1. Indonesian Journal Of Obstetrics and Gynecology (INAJOG)

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