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Title: Role of Ambulatory Laparoscopy in Diagnosis of Ascites with Unknown Etiology
Authors: Situmorang, Herbert
Surya, Raymond
Hellyanti, Tantri
Keywords: ascites
peritoneal tuberculosis
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Abstract: Role of Ambulatory Laparoscopy in Diagnosis of Ascites with Unknown Etiology Peran Laparoskopi dalam Mendiagnosis Asites akibat Etiologi yang tidak Diketahui Herbert Situmorang 1 , Raymond Surya 1 , Tantri Hellyanti 2 1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2 Department of Pathology Anatomy Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital Jakarta Abstract Abstrak Objective: To determine the evidence about timing and role of laparoscopy in ascites work-up. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui bukti tentang waktu dan peran laparoskopi dalam penegakan diagnosis asites. Methods: : Case report Case: A-26-year-old P2 woman went to our hospital with a history of vaginal delivery 22 days before admission. She also presented with massive ascites. No obstetric complication was found. Transvaginal ultrasound revealed normal postpartum uterus and ovaries, surrounded with ascites. Both the liver and kidneys were found normal on ultrasound. Abdominal CT scan with contrast showed massive ascites with thickened omentum. Ascites ADA (adenosine deaminase) was 36 IU/L. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, we found massive yellowish ascites, miliary whitish lesions and hyperaemic tubal enlargement with thickening of the peritoneum. Biopsy was taken, pathology examination showed the appearance of chronic salpingitis and granulomatous peritonitis, in accordance with tuberculosis peritonitis. Conclusions: Laparoscopy should be the method of choice in diagnosing ascites with unknown etiology after inconclusive results of laboratory and radiological examination. Better visualization, typical appearance in peritoneal TB, chance to perform direct biopsy with lower risk of morbidity are the hallmarks of laparoscopy to be the method of choice to rule out the etiology of ascites. Keywords: ascites, laparoscopy, peritoneal tuberculosis. Metode: Laporan kasus Kasus: Seorang perempuan 26 tahun para 2 datang dengan riwayat persalinan pervaginam 22 hari lalu datang dengan asites masif. Tidak ada komplikasi obstetri yang ditemukan. Pemeriksaan ultrasonograļ¬ transvaginal memperlihatkan uterus dan ovarium normal sesuai postpartum dikelilingi dengan asites. Kedua hati dan ginjal dalam batas normal. CT scan abdomen dengan kontras memperlihatkan asites masif dengan penebalan omentum. ADA (adenosine deaminase) di cairan asites 36 IU/L. Kami memutuskan melakukan laparoskopi diagnostik dan biopsi. Kami menemukan asites masif berwarna kekuningan dan pembesaran tuba hiperemis dengan penebalan peritoneum. Pemeriksaan patologi memperlihatkan salpingitis kronik dan peritonitis granulomatosa sesuai dengan peritonitis TB. Kesimpulan: Laparoskopi merupakan metode pilihan dalam mendiagnosis asites dengan etiologi yang tidak diketahui jika hasil laboratorium dan pemeriksaan radiologis meragukan. Visualisasi yang lebih baik, penampilan khas TB peritoneum, kesempatan untuk melakukan biopsi langsung dengan risiko morbiditas yang lebih rendah adalah ciri utama laparoskopi sebagai metode pilihan untuk mendiagnosis etiologi asites. Kata kunci: asites, laparoskopi, tuberkulosis peritoneal.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2762
Appears in Collections:1. Indonesian Journal Of Obstetrics and Gynecology (INAJOG)

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