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Title: Purse String Double Layer Closure in Cesarean Section (Turan Technique) : A Novel Approach to Reduce Cesarean Scar Defect
Authors: Prabawa, Aditya
Jayakusuma, A A Ngurah
Wiradnyana, A A Gede P.
Keywords: cesarean section
turan technique
uterine incision
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Abstract: Purse String Double Layer Closure in Cesarean Section (Turan Technique) : A Novel Approach to Reduce Cesarean Scar Defect Teknik Turan (Penjahitan Dua Lapis Purse String): Pendekatan Terkini untuk Menurunkan Defek Jaringan Parut Bekas Seksio Sesarea Abstract Aditya Prabawa, A A Ngurah Jayakusuma, A A Gede P. Wiradnyana Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Udayana Sanglah General Hospital Bali Objective: To compare cesarean scar defect incidence and other parameters between Turan technique and Conventional technique. Methods: Literature Review Results: The Turan technique uses a purse-string double- layer closure method, which can shorten the incision length and reduce the incidence of postpartum cesarean scar defect that can be detected by ultrasound. Uterine incisional defects are etiologic factors of postoperative pelvic adhesion, placenta previa and accreta, uterine rupture, abnormal uterine bleeding and dysmenorrhea. This means that a decrease in the incidence of uterine incisional defects is essential to prevent cesarean-related complications. In 51 patients in the study group (closure the uterine incision with Turan technique) and 65 patients in the control group collected within six weeks postoperative for transvaginal ultrasound, the length of the uterine incision closure in the study group shorter than the control group (p= 0.0001, 95% IK = 2,854-6,876). Signifi cantly, the number of patients with cesarean scar defect was 12 (23.5%) in the study group and 39 in the control group (76.5%) with P = 0.0001. Conclusions: Turan technique is new uterine closure method technique on CS. This technique can reduce the incidence of cesarean scar defect. Keywords: cesarean section, turan technique, uterine incision. Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk membandingkan angka kejadian defek jaringan parut uterus dan parameter lain antara teknik Turan dan teknik konvensional. Metode: Kajian Pustaka Hasil: Teknik Turan menggunakan metode penutupan purse-string double layer, di mana dapat memperpendek insisi dan mengurangi insidensi defek jaringan parut uterus postpartum yang dapat dideteksi dengan ultrasonografi . Defek insisional uterus merupakan faktor etiologi dari adhesi pelvis paska operasi, plasenta previa dan akreta, ruptur uteri, kehamilan ektopik pada parut uterus, perdarahan uterus abnormal dan dismenore. Ini berarti penurunan kejadian defek insisional uterus sangat penting untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi terkait seksio sesarea. Pada 51 pasien kelompok studi (teknik Turan) dan 65 pasien pada kelompok kontrol yang dilakukan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi transvaginal 6 minggu pascaoperasi didapatkan data bahwa panjang insisi uterus lebih pendek pada kelompok studi (p = 0.0001, 95% IK = 2.854–6.876). Secara signifi kan, jumlah pasien dengan defek parut bekas operasi (Cesarean Scar Defect) adalah 12 orang (23.5%) pada kelompok studi dan 39 orang pada kelompok kontrol (76.5%) dengan nilai p = 0.0001. Kesimpulan: Teknik Turan adalah teknik baru mengenai metode penjahitan pada insisi operasi SC. Secara signifi kan tehnik ini mampu menurunkan insidensi defek parut bekas operasi. Kata kunci: insisi uterus, seksio sesarea, teknik turan
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2629
Appears in Collections:1. Indonesian Journal Of Obstetrics and Gynecology (INAJOG)

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