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Title: The Outcome of Percutaneous Mitral Balloon Commissurotomy (PMBC) in Pregnant Women with Mitral Stenosis: An Evidence-Based Study
Authors: Djusad, Suskhan
Hakim, Surahman
Surya, Raymond
Yansah, Hansens
Sungkar, Ali
Keywords: mitral stenosis
percutaneous mitral balloon commissurotomy
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Abstract: The Outcome of Percutaneous Mitral Balloon Commissurotomy (PMBC) in Pregnant Women with Mitral Stenosis: An Evidence-Based Study Abstract Luaran Komisurotomi Balon Mitral Perkutan pada Perempuan Hamil dengan Stenosis Mitral: Studi berbasis Bukti Suskhan Djusad, Surahman Hakim, Raymond Surya, Hansens Yansah, Ali Sungkar Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital Objective : To review the outcome of percutaneous mitral balloon commissurotomy (PMBC) both to maternal and neonatal survivalbility Methods : The search was conducted on Pubmed®, Cochrane Library®, and Ovid® using MeSH. Critical appraisal determining the validity, importance, and applicability (VIA) was conducted by two independent authors. Preganant woment with MS with functional class grading based on NYHA Results : Several studies showed that performing the PMBC had good outcome for pregnant women functional class based on NYHA. Most of them decreased from NYHA III/IV to I/II. For delivery outcome, all studies concluded that more than 80% pregnant women with mitral stenosis undergoing PMBC delivered at term, and no congenital anomalies found. Conclusions : A decrease in NYHA functional class was observed after PMBC Percutaneous mitral balloon commissurotomy for pregnant women with severe MS is safe during pregnancy. Keywords : mitral stenosis, outcome, percutaneous mitral balloon commissurotomy, pregnancy. Jakarta Abstrak Tujuan : Mengulas luaran komisurotomi balon mitral perkutan (KBMP) baik pada maternal maupun neonatus. Metode : PPencarian dilakukan melalui Pubmed®, Cochrane Library®, dan Ovid® menggunakan MeSH. Telaah kristis dilakukan oleh 2 penulis independen berdasarkan validitas, kepentingan, dan aplikabilitas. Hasil : Beberapa studi memperlihatkan KBMP memiliki luaran yang baik di kalangan perempuan hamil berdasarkan kelas fungsional NYHA. Kebanyakan mereka mengalami penurunan NYHA dari III/IV menjadi I/II. Untuk luaran persalinan, seluruh studi menyimpulkan lebih dari 80% perempuan dengan mitral stenosis yang menjalani pembedahan KBMP melahirkan pada usia term dan tidak ditemukan kelainan. Kesimpulan : KBMP aman dilakukan pada perempuan hamil dengan mitral stenosis berat. Kata kunci : kehamilan, komisurotomibalon mitral perkutan, luaran, stenosis mitral
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2549
Appears in Collections:1. Indonesian Journal Of Obstetrics and Gynecology (INAJOG)

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