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Title: Nasal Congestion and its Management in Pregnancy Rhinitis
Authors: Poerbonegoro, Niken L.
Keywords: estrogen
nasal congestion
placental growth hormone
pregnancy rhinitis
Issue Date: Oct-2019
Abstract: Nasal Congestion and its Management in Pregnancy Rhinitis Hidung Tersumbat dan Penatalaksanaannya pada Rinitis Kehamilan Niken L. Poerbonegoro Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital Objective : To elaborate on the pathomechanism of pregnancy rhinitis and the proper management of rhinitis symptoms, particularly nasal obstruction. Methods: Literature review. Methods : Literature review. Result: Placental Growth Hormone has a similar effect as progesterone in pregnancy, which is peripheral vasodilatation and increases extracellular volume. Increased estrogen during pregnancy enhances the parasympathetic activity, thus increasing vascular permeability and glandular activity.Plasma leakage from vascular bed to stroma results in edematous turbinates, causing nasal congestion. This mucosal swelling is exaggerated with the presence of thick and profuse secretion. Conclusions : Pregnancy rhinitis, manifested as nasal congestion, is considered a phenomenon and may become a serious condition. Persistent nasal congestion acts as a potential risk factor in affecting fetal growth and development through gradual hypoxia process. This condition can lead to various complications such as maternal hypertension, preeclampsia, impaired fetal growth, and low APGAR scores. In-depth knowledge of pathomechanism is essential as guidance to proper treatment, including conservative and medical therapies, which will lead to an optimal outcome for both mother and baby. Keywords : estrogen, nasal congestion, placental growth hormone, pregnancy rhinitis. Jakarta Nasal Congestion and its Management 318 Abstrak Tujuan : Untuk memaparkan patomekanisme rinitis kehamilan dan tatalaksana yang tepat dalam mengatasi gejala rinitisnya, terutama hidung tersumbat. Metode : Tinjauan pustaka. Hasil: PGH dan progesterone memiliki efek serupa yaitu vasodilatasi perifer dan peningkatan volume ekstraselular. Peningkatan estrogen selama kehamilan menstimulus aktivitas sistem parasimpatetik, yang mana terjadi peningkatan permeabilitas vaskular dan aktivitas kelenjar. Kebocoran plasma dari pembuluh darah ke stroma akan menyebabkan edema konka yang bermanifestasi sebagai kongesti hidung. Kondisi pembengkakan mukosa ini diperberat dengan adanya hipersekresi. Kesimpulan : Rinitis kehamilan, dengan manifestasi kongesti hidung, dianggap sebagai suatu fenomena yang dapat menjadi fatal. Kongesti hidung persisten merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya gangguan tumbuh kembang janin melalui proses hipoksia bertahap. Kondisi ini dapat berlanjut menimbulkan komplikasi seperti hipertensi maternal, preeklamsia, gangguan tumbuh janin, dan skor APGAR yang rendah. Memahami patomekanisme sangat utama dalam membimbing klinisi memberikan tatalaksana yang tepat, termasuk terapi konservatif dan farmaka, yang akan memberikan keluaran yang optimal baik bagi ibu dan bayi. Kata kunci : estrogen, kongesti hidung, placental growth hormone, rinitis kehamilan.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2470
Appears in Collections:1. Indonesian Journal Of Obstetrics and Gynecology (INAJOG)

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