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dc.contributor.authorYauwena, Frans-
dc.contributor.authorLotisna, David-
dc.contributor.authorRiu, Deviana S.-
dc.contributor.authorSunarno, Isharyah-
dc.contributor.authorUtama, Nugraha-
dc.description.abstractThe 45 o Mediolateral Episiotomy: Does it Reduce to the Incidence of Extended Laceration Incidence and Postlabour Pain? Episiotomi Mediolateral 45 Derajat terhadap Kejadian Perluasan Cedera dan Nyeri Pascasalin pada Primigravida Abstract Frans Yauwena, David Lotisna, Deviana S. Riu, Isharyah Sunarno, Nugraha Utama Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hasanuddin Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo General Hospital Objective : To investigate the relationship of 45 mediolateral episiotomy and the incidence of extended laceration and post labour pain in primigravida. Methods : This study used simple randomization design which was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Hasanuddin from April 2018 to September 2018. There were 80 samples for the 45 mediolateral episiotomy group and 80 samples for the 60 o o group. Results : After the Chi-Square correlation test has been carried out, the research result indicates that there is a higher incidence in 60 mediolateral episiotomy group in extended perineal laceration (p=0.002), and Fisher Exact test shows that post-labour pain (p=0.000) higher in the same group compared to the 45 o group. o have lower extended perineal laceration and post-labour pain compared to the 60 o group. Conclusions : Mediolateral episiotomy 45 Keywords : episiotomy, mediolateral 45 o o o Makassar to 60 , mediolateral 60 , perineal laceration, post-labour pain, primigravida. o o Abstrak Correspondence author: Frans Yauwena.; INTRODUCTION An episiotomy is one of the most usual surgical procedures in obstetrics to accelerate the delivery time of the baby. The episiotomy itself has been carried out almost all over the world to avoid the occurrence of extensive perineal tears such as third or level four perineal rupture. There are several ways to do an episiotomy, such as medial, mediolateral and lateral episiotomy. A medial episiotomy is rarely done since the tear can extend to the anus . What is often done almost all over the world is a mediolateral episiotomy 1 2 . Mediolateral Episiotomy 288 o Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan episiotomi mediolateral 45 dan 60 terhadap kejadian perluasan cedera dan nyeri pascasalin pada primigravida. o o Metode : Simple randomization. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin periode April 2018 – September 2018. Total sampel yang diperoleh adalah 80 untuk kelompok 45 dan 80 sampel untuk kelompok 60 o o . Hasil : Setelah dilakukan uji hubungan dengan Chi Square dengan kejadian perluasan cedera (p=0,002) dan uji Fisher menyatakan hubungan bermakna nyeri pascasalin pada kelompok yang sama (p=0,000) dibandingkan episiotomi 45 terdapat hubungan yang signifi kan pada episiotomi 60 . Episiotomi mediolateral 45 memiliki luaran lebih sedikit menyebabkan kejadian perluasan cedera dan nyeri pascasalin dibandingkan episiotomi 60 o . Kata kunci : episiotomi, mediolateral 45 o o , mediolateral 6 nyeri pascasalin, primigravida, ruptur perineumen_US
dc.subjectmediolateral 45en_US
dc.subjectmediolateral 60en_US
dc.subjectperineal lacerationen_US
dc.subjectpost-labour painen_US
dc.titleThe 45 o Mediolateral Episiotomy: Does it Reduce to the Incidence of Extended Laceration Incidence and Postlabour Pain?en_US
Appears in Collections:1. Indonesian Journal Of Obstetrics and Gynecology (INAJOG)

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