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Title: Ectopic prostatic tissue in vagina – case report V. Pažin 1 , A. Dobrosavljević 2 , J. Štulić 2 , M. Cimbaljević 2
Authors: V. Pažin, V. Pažin
Keywords: Vaginal tubulosquamous polyp
Skene’s glands
Ectopic prostatic tissue
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Abstract: Ectopic prostatic tissue in vagina – case report V. Pažin 1 , A. Dobrosavljević 2 , J. Štulić 2 , M. Cimbaljević 2 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Doktora Subotića 8; Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology “Narodni Front”, Belgrade 2Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology “Narodni Front”, Belgrade (Serbia) Summary During embryonic development, both glandular parenchyma of prostate in a male fetus and paraurethral Skene’s glands in a female fetus develop from pelvic urethra endoderm. This common embryological origin results in finding prostatic tissue even in the lower genital tract in women. Herein, the authors present a case of polypoid lesion in vagina consisting solely of glandular elements without squamous component, which stained negative for prostatic markers, but morphologically identical to normal prostatic tissue. A patient, 57- years-old came to the Clinic, with a cystic change in the petiole, which size being 30×17×15 mm, on the left vaginal wall adjacent to introitus. The cystic change was excised and a preparation was sent to a histopathological examination. The histopathological examination included serial Hematoxylin and Eosin stained sections, along with immunohistochemical panel. It was concluded that it was ectopic prostatic tissue or ectopic paraurethral gland tissue within vaginal mucosa. Partially, epithelium at the surface of our polypoid lesion showed immature squamous metaplasia, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia - VaIN II/III, and transitional cell metaplasia. Gland formations having benign features were within base of the change, at the resection lines, while dysplastic epithelium was fully removed. Key words: Vaginal tubulosquamous polyp; Skene’s glands; Ectopic prostatic tissue.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2109
Appears in Collections:2. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology

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