Browsing by Author Pettigrew, Simone

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-02The ability of five different front-of-pack labels to assist Australian consumers to identify healthy versus unhealthy foodsPettigrew, Simone; Jongenelis, Michelle I.; Talati, Zenobia; Dana, Liyuwork M.; Hercberg, Serge; Julia, Chantal
2021-12Communicating with older people about physical activityPettigrew, Simone; Jongenelis, Michelle I.; Rai, Rajni; Jackson, Ben; Newton, Robert U.
2023Dimensions of the diet-exercise relationship in later life: A qualitative studyPettigrew, Simone; I. Jongenelis, Michelle; Talati, Zenobia
2020-02Enhancing the effectiveness of the Health Star Rating via presentation modificationsPettigrew, Simone; Dana, Liyuwork; Talati, Zenobia
2023Evaluation outcomes of a Western Australian campaign designed to reduce alcohol use in pregnancyPettigrew, Simone; Booth, Leon; McCausland, Tahnee
2020-04Factors influencing the willingness of community service organisation staff to provide smoking cessation support: a qualitative studyParnell, Ashleigh; Box, Emily; Biagioni, Nicole; Bonevski, Billie; Anwar-McHenry, Julia; Slevin, Terry; Pettigrew, Simone
2022-06Health-related behaviours and weight status of expectant fathersPettigrew, Simone; Jongenelis, Michelle I.; Cronin, Sophie; Dana, Liyuwork M.; Silva, Desiree; Prescott, Susan L.; Yeap, Bu B.
2023-08The inexorable rise of automated food deliveries and potential anticipatory policy actionsPettigrew, Simone; Farrar, Victoria; Booth, Leon; dkk.
2022-10School staff perceptions of the nature and consequences of students’ use of e-cigarettesPettigrew, Simone; Miller, Mia; Kannan, Anjali; Raj, Thout Sudhir; Jun, Min; Jones, Alexandra
2021-04Young people’s reflections on the factors contributing to the normalisation of gambling in AustraliaNyemcsok, Christian; Thomas, Samantha L.; Pitt, Hannah; Pettigrew, Simone; Cassidy, Rebecca; Daube, Mike