Browsing by Author Indar, Indar

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Accessibility of Mother and Child Health Services to Stunting Incidence in Leti Island, Southwest Maluku DistrictUnmehopa, Apia; Palutturi, Sukri; Indar, Indar
2024Analysis of Executive and Legislative Behavior in Planning the Stunting Program in Maros DistrictYulyana Mulmaharani, Andi; Palutturi, Sukri; Indar, Indar
2023Analysis of Factors Affecting the Behavior of Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Work Area of Werwaru Puskesmas Moa Lakor DistrictAkse, Magdalena; Indar, Indar; Razak, Amran; Balqis, Balqis; Wahiduddin, Wahiduddin; Manyullei, Syamsuar; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Analysis of The Influence of The Marketing Mix on The Satisfaction of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Miletus Installation at Hajj General Hospital, MakassarSafwa Salsabila, Suci; Indar, Indar; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah
2024Evaluation of the Program to Overcome Undernutrition in the Working Area of Cendrawasih City Health Center, MakassarOctavia, Armiaty; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Indar, Indar; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Naiem, M. Furqaan; Leida, Ida
2019Health City Collaboration Model Through the Program No Gross City (Kotaku) in Coastal Areas Makassar City, IndonesiaAhmad, Haslinah; Indar, Indar; Palutturi, Sukri; Suriah, Suriah; Yani, Ahmad
2024The Influence of Human Resource Management Functions on the Quality of Health Services in Inpatient Patients at Maryam Citra Medika Hospital, Takalar DistrictSri Adinda, Andi; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Indar, Indar; Ishak, Hasanuddin; Zulkifli, Andi; Mallongi, Anwar