Browsing by Author Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analysis of Determinants of Midwife Performance in Antenatal Care Services in Allang Care Health Centers Central Maluku DistrictHattu, Josina; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Razak, Amran; Palutturi, Sukri; Mallongi, Anwar; S Russeng, Syamsiar
2023Analysis of Factors Affecting Exclusive Breast Milk in The Work Area of Waru Puskesmas East Seram RegencyRumakur, Sukmawati; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah
2023Analysis of Performance Determinants of Health Laboratory Officers in Health Laboratory Centers and Medical Device Calibration in Maluku ProvinceDe Fretes, Herlyn; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Razak, Amran; Muhammad Saleh, Lalu; Salmah, Ummu; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Analysis of Policy Implementation of The First 1000 Days of Life Program in Overcoming Stunting in Maros DistrictSri Fifi Wahyuni Azis, Andi; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Razak, Amran
2024Analysis of the Implementation of the Use of Hospital Management Information Systems (Simrs) in Hospitals Kindergarten IV Dr Sumantri ParepareSuparno, Suparno; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Palutturi, Sukri; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Thamrin, Yahya; Leida, Ida
2023Analysis of The Influence of The Marketing Mix on The Satisfaction of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Miletus Installation at Hajj General Hospital, MakassarSafwa Salsabila, Suci; Indar, Indar; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah
2024Analysis of the Inpatient Medical Records Management System at Sandi Karsa Hospital MakassarGanjar Wati, Try; Razak, Amran; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Yusran Amir, Muhammad; Yunus, Rahmatiah; Wahyu, Atjo; Mallongi, Anwar
2023Community Compliance Regarding No-Smoking Area Policy: Belief Control Analysis and Tobacco Use Habits in Society the Bugis Tribe (Pare-Pare City & Sidrap Regency) and the Makassar Tribe (Gowa-Takalar Regency) in South SulawesiR. Muttaqien Al-Madin, Achmad; Razak, H. Amran; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah
2024Drug Management and Service Quality in Outpatient Pharmacies at the Haji Padjonga Daeng Ngalle Regional General Public Hospital in Takalar Regency, IndonesiaCahyani Pratiwi, Yunita; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Palutturi, Sukri
2023Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Implementing National Health Insurance (JKN) on Hospitals at RSUD Tenriawaru Kab. boneKarmilasari, Karmilasari; Palutturi, Sukri; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah
2024Evaluation of the Program to Overcome Undernutrition in the Working Area of Cendrawasih City Health Center, MakassarOctavia, Armiaty; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Indar, Indar; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Naiem, M. Furqaan; Leida, Ida
2024Identification of Effort and Issues in the Prevention of Diabetic Foot in the Community: A Qualitative StudyTini, Tini; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Masni, Masni; Mallongi, Anwar
2024Implementation of Preconception Health Services in Some Southeast Asian Countries: A Literature ReviewSutadi Lanyumba, Fitrianty; Syafar, Muhammad; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah
2024The Influence of Human Resource Management Functions on the Quality of Health Services in Inpatient Patients at Maryam Citra Medika Hospital, Takalar DistrictSri Adinda, Andi; Alwy Arifin, Muhammad; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Indar, Indar; Ishak, Hasanuddin; Zulkifli, Andi; Mallongi, Anwar
2024The Relationship of Marketing Mix with Patients' Decisions to Choose Health Services in Outpatient and Inpatient Installations at Sandi Karsa Hospital, MakassarBella Rezqi Jaya, Ika; Yusran Amir, Muhammad; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah; Palutturi, Sukri; Jafar, Nurhaedar; Syafar, Muhammad